Brown vs Board of Education
Cornell University This was a case that overturned the separate but equal doctrine, and this law provided a basis for individuals rights. This is both for people of different races, as well as students with disablitities and exceptionalities. -
Mills vs Board of Educatoin of the District of Columbia
Education LawThis law helped to lay the foundatior for later laws such as IDEA and 504, which help to give all students with a disability access to special education. -
Section 504
Ed.govThis law helped to get the basic civil rights for individual with disabilities, and helped in both everyday society, and in the school setting. This was also the basis for such future legislation such as IDEA, and made it so the individuals could not be denied benefits of any form of program. -
Other time lineThis law added children that are handicapped to the previous statutes already stated. It was later ammended in 1986 which made it so it now includes infants and toddlers, this was with only if they had what was designated as devopmental delays. The basis of this law was to provide each student with the least restrictive environment (LRE) for learning to take place. It also gave the parents the addition to an IFSP or individualized famil service plan. -
Rowley v. Hendrick Hudson School District
Wrights LawThis law made it so school districts must provide students with disabilites instruction that they will benefit from. This case revolved around a student who was deaf and was denied a sign language interpreter, and therefore could not an appropriate education. -
Honig vs Doe
Wrights LawThis case was primairily about students that misbehave in class becasue of their dissability, were no longer allowed to be denied education because of this. The EACHCA was a foundation of this court case, and provided a basis for education for all students regardless of disability. Another case that this was based on was the Rowley v Hendrick Hudson School district, which made the services required by the district. -
Idea site
This law added things such as autism, and traumatic brain injuries or TBIs as categories in special education. The basis of this law was the free and appropriate education for all. It was reauthorized twice, once in 1997 to add studetns with ADHD, and the changed to the system of IEPs or individualized education plans. It was reauthorized again in 2004 which required teachers to be highly qualified, and added things such as benchmarks in anIEP -
Americans with Disabilities act (ADA)
ADAThis law was more revolved around the social aspects of people with disabilites. It was about things such as discrimation in employment, and transportation. It also made it possible for what is called "phased in" accessiblity in schools. The students needed to be able to have full access to all schools, at all times. -
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
ed.govThis law was about setting high standards for schools, and made it so all students are required to participate in state wide testing. The biggest claim that it made is that we as a country would have full proficiency of all students by the year 2012. It is one of the biggest topics talked about in teaching as of lately, and a very large issue.