SPED Timeli

  • Brown vs Board of Educaiton

    Brown vs Board of Educaiton
    Brown vs Board of Education ended segregation of schools based on race. While it did not address students with special needs, it did address the value of education and equity in access to it (Wood (2006), p 6). This legislature became the reference used to enact other legislation for those with special needs, especially in the schools (Bryant (2008)),
  • Mills vs. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    Mills vs. Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    Special education for all students with disabilities was addressed. All studens with disabilities were determined to all have a right to free public education (Bryant).
  • Section 504: Civil Rights for Citizens with Disabilities

    Section 504: Civil Rights for Citizens with Disabilities
    Included first civil rights protections for indiviudals with disabilities, including the right to education (Wood (2006),p 7). Mandated that no person wit ha disability could be excluded from or denied benefits of any program recieving federal funding (Wood (2006) p 7).
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA, PL 94-142)

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act  (EAHCA, PL 94-142)
    Passed to ensure children with disabilities have access to public schools (Wood, (2006), p. 8). The Act guranteed appropriate education in the least restrictive environment (Bryant).
  • PL 99-457 Education for all Handicaped Children (EHA) Reauthorized

    PL 99-457 Education for all Handicaped Children (EHA) Reauthorized
    Children and infants were added to EHA to that assistance could begin right from birth. Family Service Plans were also created to provide best service for the child and family (Bryant).
  • Americans with Diabilities Act (ADA)

    Americans with Diabilities Act (ADA)
    Addressed discrimination in employment, transportation, public accomodations etc (Bryant). This legislature began the concept of normalization across America and phased in accessibility requiremetns (Bryant).
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    Transition plans were required to be added to serve the students as they transition out of public education (Bryant). Autism and traumatic brain injuries were added as catagories of needs that qualify for the acts (Bryant).
  • Americans with Diasabilities Act (ADA)

    Americans with Diasabilities Act (ADA)
    Banned discrimination in employment based on abiliti and "implemented the concept of normalization across American life (Bryant (2006)). One way the ADA influenced schools is by design since it required buildings to take account physicaly accessiblity for students with disabilities (Wood, (2006), p 19).
  • IDEA '97 (reauthorized)

    IDEA '97 (reauthorized)
    ADHD was added to the other health impairments to be included under legislation (Bryant). Fuctional behaviroal assessments and behavioral interventions were added to be a required resource for children with special needs (Bryant).