SPED Law Timeline

  • Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

    Educational segregation; Used as a precedent for arguing that children with disabilities cannot be excluded from a public education.
  • Diana v State Board of Education

    Class Placement; Students cannot be placed in special education classes on the basis of IQ tests that are culturally biased.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v Common Wealth of Pennsylvania

    Right to Education; States must guarantee a free public education to all children with intellectual disability ages 6-21 regardless of impairment of associated disabilities.
  • Public Law 94-142 IDEA

    "Bill of Rights" for children with exceptionalities and their families; Assures that all handicapped children have available to them a free appropriate public education which emphasized special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs.
  • Armstrong v Kline

    Extended School Year; State's refusal to pat for schooling in excess of 180 days for pupils with severe disabilities is a violation of their rights to an appropriate education.
  • Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v Rowely

    Appropriate Education; Ruled that an appropriate education does not necessarily mean an education that will allow for the maximum possible achievement; rather, students must be given a reasonable opportunity to learn
  • Oberti v Board of Education of the Borough of Clementon School District

    Least Restrictive Environment; Pupil cannot be excluded from a general education classroom solely because curriculum, services, or other practices would require modification
  • Public Law 107-110 No Child Left Behind Act

    Law reveals that eventually all pupils, including those in special education, are expected to demonstrate proficiency in math, reading, and science.
  • Winkelman v Parma City School District

    Parental Rights; Affirmed the rights of parents to represent their children in IDEA-related court cases.
  • Forest Grove School District v T.A.

    Tuition Reimbursement; IDEA authorizes reimbursement for private special education services when a public school fails to provide a free appropriate education and the private school placement is appropriate.