SPED Law/Time line

  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    Before 1954, Children of different races weren't allowed to attend the same public school. It wasn't until the Oliver Brown filed a class-action law suit against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (History, 2019). A Supreme Court case in which racial segregation was ruled as unconstitutional.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education

    The Elementary and Secondary Education
    Each state across the United States were given federal funds to improve school conditions for those students who were disabled and disadvantage.
  • Diana v. State Board of Education

    Diana v. State Board of Education
    Diana, was a spanish speaking student who was given an IQ test in English. She scored very low and was placed in a special needs class. This caused the Supreme Court to rule that students should be given test in their native language to avoid placement errors.
  • Education of Handicapped Act

    Education of Handicapped Act
    States were given out grants to help improve education programs for special education students. Federal government money was proved for teachers to get the required training.
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    Disabled students were being denied the opportunity to an education because of their disabilities. The court ruled that its unconstitutional to refuse student with disabilities to an education.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
    Section 504, states that students with disabilities have the right to participate in programs that are federally funded.
  • Timothy W v. Rochester School District

    Timothy W v. Rochester School District
    Timothy who was four at the time was being denied the right to an education, because he suffered from many disabilities. Rochester school district ruled Timothy as "educationally handicapped" and believed that he wouldn't benefit from special educational services. This led to the Zero-rejection policy, where no school could deny a child special education services based on how serve their disabilities are.
  • No child Left Behind Act

    No child Left Behind Act
    Elementary and Secondary Education began to standardize test their student due to the low academic levels of American students.
  • IDEA Improvement Act

    IDEA Improvement Act
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), was designed to help children by creating a better learning environment for disabled students.
  • Endrew F v. Douglas County School District

    Endrew F v. Douglas County School District
    Endrew F suffered from autism and was placed in a private school to help better his education. Endrew parents sued the public school under the IDEA act, because they couldn't provided a "meaningful education" to their son.