PL 93-112, The Rehabilitation Act
Section 504 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in Federal programs -
PL 94-142, Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Securement of free, public education for children with disabilities -
PL 99-457, Education of the Handicapped Amendment
Special education for infants and toddlers with disabilities becomes mandatory in preschool settings -
PL 101-336, Americans with Disabilities Act
The prohibition of discrimination per the basis of disability -
PL 101-476, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Commonly known as IDEA; the emphasis on transition planning for pre-teens and teenagers with disabilities -
PL 105-17, Individuals with Disbailities Education Act
Reauthorization of IDEA; an expansion of services became provided to those with disabilities and their families -
PL 107-110, No Child Left Behind Act
First effort of a major educational reform; evaluates qualifications of teachers based on students' academic achievement -
PL 108-446, individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
The alignment of IDEA and No Child Left Behind -
PL 110-325, Americans with Disabilties Act Amendments
The definition of "disability" is expanded and greater accommodations are given to those who are disabled -
PL 111-256, Rosa's Law
The terms "mentally retarded" and "mental retardation" are replaced with "intellectually disabled" and "intellectual disability"