Special Education Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown v. Board was the foundation of creating equal opportunity to schools in America. This court case ruled that no schools should be "separate but equal". This effects us today by laying the base line of equal rights to education, including disabled population.
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    Court case in which it was determined that a student has a right to public education, no matter how much it costs. This effects us today because even if a child with a disability costs more than the average student, they have a constitutional right to the same education.
  • Section 504 of Rehabilitation act

    This law prohibited any discrimination in any federally funded entity including schools. This law continued to lay foundation for an equal opportunity for disabled people.
  • Public law 94-142

    Public law 94-142
    This law laid the more detailed outline of the rights to education that all handicapped children are entitled to. This law required evaluation of disability for placement with specialized programs
  • Hudson v. Rowley

    Hudson v. Rowley
    Court case that decided schools do not have to provide a program that will result in maximum achievement. Rowley's parents wanted the school to provided a sign language interpreter, but the court found that the school provided a program that had Rowley performing at least equal to her nondisabled classmates. This law effects today because it set the minimum a school must provide disabled students.
  • IDEA

    Individuals with Disabilities Education act was a continuation of EHA law and was revised to include the additional aid when transitioning out of high school.
  • ADA

    The American Disability Act was a continuation of section 504 of rehabilitation law. The ADA provided the outline for disabled people to have accommodations at public entities as well as non discriminatory treatment
  • IDEA 1997

    IDEA 1997
    IDEA was amended in 1997 to include students with disabilities in testing programs and required schools to provide special accommodation for those individuals.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    A bill passed with a goal of making sure every student has the same opportunity in public schooling. Students are suppose to have a "level playing field", meaning that no student should start with a disadvantage.
  • IDEA 2004

    IDEA 2004
    IDEA was revised again in 2004 to better align with the No Child Left Behind Act. IDEA 2004 had more performance goals and tried to better align them with their non disabled class mates.