Brown vs. Board of Education
A cornerstone of the civil rights movement, and helped to establish the precedent that "seperate-but-equal" education and services were not all that equal. This laid the groundwork for Special Education Law. -
P.A.R.C. vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Children (P.A.R.C.) vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania made it to where the "exceptional" children were no longer denied access to free public programs including education and training. -
Mills vs. Board of Education
This expanded the impact of P.A.R.C.but at a larger scale. They made sure that no child could be denied public education because of being "exceptional". -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act- Section 504
Requires Federal Agencies to not exclude those who have disabilities from a job or the benefits of it. -
Public Law 94-142
This law guaranteed free appropriate public education to each child with a disability in the "least restrictive environment". Required written evaluation for kids 3-21. This was also a predecessor of IDEA law. -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title II
This prohibited government services from discriminating against those with disabilities.
Extension of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act-Section 504. -
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ensured that public schools served the educational needs of students with disabilities. This included Free appropriate public education (FAPE), as well as least restrictive environment (LPE), for every child across the United States even in the transition period after high school. -
Reauthorization of IDEA
Adds teachers to the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Team for the child.
Extension of IDEA to include assessments assistance for students with disabilities. -
No Child Left Behind
Effectively scaled up the federal role in holding schools accountable for student outcomes. It had a goal to level the playing field for students that were in poverty, minorities, special education, or understood little to no english. Included Annual testing, targets for academic progress, as well as penalties for schools that failed to meet the standards. -
IDEA Second Reauthorization
This added more accountability, focused more on outcomes/data, as well as started interventions to keep children out of special education and trying to keep them in the normal classroom with some help.