Special Education Timeline

  • First American School for the Deaf

    First American School for the Deaf
    The first American School of the deaf was founded in Connecticut was founded by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet with the help of Laurent Clerc. This school provides various services for deaf students and they strive to be a diverse and inclusive school.
  • Council for Exceptional Students

    Council for Exceptional Students
    Elizabeth E. Farrell was the founder of the CEC. The CEC is the first and largest advocacy group for children with disabilities. They are dedicated to improving the success of children with disabilities.
  • The Arc

    The Arc
    The National Association for Retarded Citizens protects the human rights of people disabilities. They provide income for those with disabilities with little to no income and they help with healthy coverage.
  • Brown v. Board

    Brown v. Board
    The U.S. Supreme Court in Brown v. Board ruled that separate schools for black and white children is unconstitutional. Brown v. Board laid the foundation for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ensuring free access to public education.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act ensured that students with disabilities are educated in public schools. This act was made so the needs of children with disabilities are met. Before this law was passed, many students were denied education, this act was a first step in the right direction. https://sites.ed.gov/idea/IDEA-History#:~:text=On%20November%2029%2C%201975%2C%20President,and%20locality%20across%20the%20country.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

     Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires schools to give students with disabilities and IEP. It also ensures that students are given the chance to learn in a least restrictive environment. It also ensures that every child with a disability receives free public education.
  • Handicapped Children’s Protection Act

    Handicapped Children’s Protection Act
    The HCPA was signed by Ronald Reagan. It gives the parents of children's with disabilities a voice in their child's IEP. If a parent finds the IEP unfit for their child, they will be granted a hearing.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The Americans with Disabilities Act ensures that people with disabilities are treated equally. This means that these people cant be treated differently or discriminated. This law act applies in every situation, at work, in schools, and in public. Timetoast
  • The Assistive Technology Act

    The Assistive Technology Act
    The Assistive Technology Act provided assistive technology to people with disabilities. This act was passed so more people could be involved in their education, work and life in general. This act will provide the services for these individuals with disabilities for the rest of their lives.
  • L.H. v. Hamilton County Department of Education

     L.H. v. Hamilton County Department of Education
    L.H. v. Hamilton County Department of Education was about a 15 year old with down syndrome. His parents wanted him to be taught alongside his peers in a standard classroom. He made progress but was still at a Kindergarten level, so his IEP team had him removed and put him in a classroom for children with disabilities in a different school. His parents were not happy and filed an IDEA administrative complaint.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    President George W.Bush passed the No Child Left Behind Act. The goal was to provide more education opportunities to students of color, in poverty, receiving special education services, and those that barely spoke English. This act was later changed to Every Student Succeeds Act.