Brown vs. Board of Education
A culmination of 5 cases that were looking to find a solution to segregation in the education system. Students that were white, received education that was considered to be a higher quality in comparison to students that were African-American in addition to other prevalent students with disabilities are receiving equal education. After a years’ worth of consideration, the Court moved forward with a plan of desegregation that took up to at least years to fully act out. -
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973
This act was established for rehabilitation services for those that have a disability. Services in this act include:
- Expansion of federal responsibilities to research training programs
- Creation of activities in the workforce. Within the Rehabilitation Act, Section 504 continued to protect those with disability. It prohibits discrimination against disabled people in programs that received federal funding. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (P.L. 94-142)
This is the first official bill that passed that will aid to the education of those students with disabilities. Federal funding was aided to schools that provided special education. With the addition of schools receiving funding from the federal government, schools created Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for those who had disabilities. This was renamed to the "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990. -
Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson vs. Rowley
Amy Rowley was a deaf child that was fighting the court system to receive the maximum amount of education. The court ruled in favor with Rowley and provided an Appropriate Education The school designed an IEP for Rowley. When observing Amy's progress, it was apparent that she was achieving at/above her classmates that did not have disability. The school had met its standard by providing an appropriate education to accommodate Amy's needs. -
Individualized Education for Students with Disabilities (IEPs)
IEPs are one of the most important aspects that focus on the needs of students. This provides clarity for schools for what they need to provide for the student with special needs. This document includes specifics for the student to meet their academic goals. This document is approved by a parent or guardian that is encouraged to mold their child's education. Writing this document is the most important features that maintains the integrity of the IDEA. -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
This bill ensures the right of individuals with disabilities to in-discriminatory treatment in other aspects of their lives. This provides a fight for civil rights for people with disabilities that includes: employment, public transportation, state/local government rights (such as voting), etc. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Was the first law that mandated free, appropriate education for children with disabilities for students between the ages of 3-21 regardless of the disability. With this federal law into act, the public school systems are required to provide services for students that receive special education. The IDEA was slightly altered in 1997 and 2004 to continue to enhance the services and provide the maximum amount of education to students with disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997
During this time, the IDEA shifted the focus from providing access to public education to meaningful and measurable students with students of all disabilities. These were the new amendments that were created: • Annual goals are to be written.
• Mandatory assessment and measurement of progress.
• Parents involved in the process of developing the child’s IEP
• Report goals to parents. -
No Child Left Behind
In the 21st Century, education began to reform to create higher standards and curriculum for all students (this also includes the special education population). There was a higher expectation that was being created for all. Disabled students were expected to perform the same way students that did not have a disability (which included standardized testing). This act created a lot of controversy and uproar for all educators. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 2004
As special education is continuing to develop, acts are continuing to be enhanced to continue to support those with disabilities. The prevalence of those that receive special education are substantially increasing and something had to be done. Special educators started to identify those who had learning disabilities. There was a desire to prevent learning gaps from occurring and addressing academic/behavioral issues at an earlier age for children to have a more successful academic future.