Special Education Timeline

  • First School For Disabled Students

    Children who were deaf were able to attend the american school for the death in Hartford Connecticut.
  • Exceptional Children Council

    This council was created with the intention of informing teacher parents Guardians and all individual of the need/ importance of education for individual with disabilities. They started to advocate for special rights policy's and setting a standard for professionals.
  • Brown Vs.Board

    ruling that ended separation of schools between races. stating them to be unequal and became a turning point for human rights
  • 60-70s inclusion

    with the understanding that schools should not be separating its children attempts were made to make special need students viewed as to the same benefits of regular students
  • mills vs board of education

    District of Columbia could not exclude students who were disabled children from public schooling
  • PARC vs Pennsylvania

    This ruling helped break down state laws used to exclude disabled children .which were cited for public hearing to later establish a law in the following year to come
  • Section 504-503 and 501

    these prohibited discrimination towards federal funding
  • Rehabilitation Act

    stated that no handicap american should be denied or excluded from participation of any program and discrimination receiving financial assistance.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act (PL-94-142) Renamed IDEA

    this became the first law that not only allowed for federal funding to make education free but put in place appropriate public education to all students with needs FAPE & LRE settings.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    This was signed and approved by former president of the united states George W Bush. This now gave disabled individual access to transportation and civil rights protection for anyone with disabilities https://www.ada.gov/
  • No Child Left Behind

    was enacted to have students excel in the areas of math and literacy