Special Education Timeline

  • Diana vs. California State Board of Education

    Nine children were categorized as mildly retarded because of low IQ scores. The children were Mexican-American and spoke Spanish, but the test was in English. School Board's stance was these children scored in the mildly retarded range. The court ruled students with disabilities or language barriers should be able to test in a non-bias way. This court ruling paved the way for differentiated learning allowing students with disabilities to be tested in a way that is comfortable for them.
  • P.A.R.C vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Fourteen students were denied an Education because of intellectual disabilities. School Board felt these students should not attend classes with non-disabled kids. Court decided these students had a right to a free public education, and gave their parents rights to their records and assessments. Students can now attend school non-disabled students.
  • Mills vs. Board of Education

    Mills believed children who are diagnosed mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, or some other disability should not be denied public Education. School Board felt these children needed to go to a special school. Court ruled that everyone is entitled to a free public Education. Today, many students with special needs attend public school.with other students who do not have disabilities.