American School for the Deaf
This school was founded in 1817, it was founded in Hartford Connecticut. This was the first school for disabled children in the Western Hemisphere and was a great landmark in the history of special education. -
Council for exceptional children
This council is the worlds leading association of aspiring and established special education professionals. It is dedicated to helping improve the education for all disabled people by advocating policies, educating the public, and setting professional standards. -
Brown Vs. Board of Education-Supreme Court Case
Brown Vs. Board of Education was a Supreme Court case which began in December 1952 and lasted until 1954 where the court ruled that schools separated by race is unequal and unconstitutional. This event was a landmark in history because it highlights the change in the Supreme Court which affected the nation and stopped a group of students from being excluded in the public school system.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX9Dmo24_cc -
Educational Amendments Act (P.L. 93-380)(Law)
This law declared an increased federal funding for students with disabilities. It states that the state funding for students with disabilities and students who are gifted and talented, due process rights for students and families. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)
This specific act came after the Rehabilitation Act in 1973 which had given students the rights to accommodations in schools. The (EHA) guaranteed and enforced the rights for students with disabilities to a free and appropriate education. This required all state funded schools tolerating government funds to give equivalent admittance to training to students with physical and mental disabilities https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/94/s6 -
Least Restrictive Environment
This correlates with a students IEP which states that they also must provide students with disabilities an inclusive education where they are in as much mainstream classrooms as possible.This ensures that students are able to have social experiences. -
Board of Ed. Of HHCD V. Rowley
This is an important landmark in special education because it is a case that designed the Two part test in determining whether FAPE is being met according to the students IEP. This test consist of questions that ask if the students school is fulfilling the procedures of IDEA and "if the IEP developed through the procedure of the act". If these questions are answered correctly thenFAPE and IDEA have been met. -
Honig Vs. Doe Court Case
This is a court case that happened after a school in California suspended a student for disruptive and violent behavior which related to the disability they have. This case ruled that schools can not suspended or expel students for behaviors related to their disability. They also ruled that that the state must provide services directly too students with disabilities when local school boards fail to do so. -
National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)
The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) works to ensure that the nation's children, adolescents, and adults with learning disabilities have every opportunity to succeed in school, work, and life -
The Americans With Disability Act
This law that was signed in 1990 by George W. Bush prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. It mandated access in public transportation, communication, and in other areas of public life. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This law authorizes federal education programs that are administered by the each state. The law is a reauthorization the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The states are required to test students in reading and math in grades 3–8 and once in high school.