
Special Education Timeline

  • Alice Cogswell

    Alice Cogswell
    Thomas Gallaudet became interested in the education of a deaf child, Alice Cogswell. He went to study different educational methods in Europe and after a few attempts, one at a for-profit school, another at a school who would only allow him to keep their methods secret, found sign language. Gallaudet studied French sign language and then brought Laurent Clerc back to the United States with him in 1816.
  • The Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons

    The Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons
    The first School for the Deaf in the United States opened in Connecticut and was founded by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Laurent Clerc Now known as: The American School for the Deaf
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Although Brown vs. Board of Education aimed to end legal segregation in public schools based on race, the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling paved the road to equal public education opportunities for all U.S. citizens (Royster). The Brown vs. Board case lead to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1965 Voting Rights Act, and paved the way for further cases such as Mills v. Board. All of which would ultimately lead to "the inclusion of children with disabilities in the public schools."
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    The 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act "became the statutory basis upon which early special education legislation was drafted" ("The legislative history,"). The ESEA did not make it law to educate students with disabilities (Peterson, 2007). However, it did give grants to state schools and institutions that "devoted to the education of children with disabilities" and it would also lead to various amendments important to special education ("The legislative history,").
  • Title VI added to ESEA Act

    Title VI added to ESEA Act
    Congress adds Title VI to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 creating a Bureau of Education for the Handicapped
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (“P.A.R.C”) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Mills v. Board of Education

    Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (“P.A.R.C”) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Mills v. Board of Education
    Thomas K. Gilhool, the attorney who represented the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (P.A.R.C.), relied on Brown in his class action suit filed on behalf of 14 children with developmental disabilities who had been denied access to public education in Pennsylvania, under a state law that specifically allowed schools to exclude children who had not reached a “mental age of five years” by the time they should be enrolling in first grade.
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    Mills expanded the impact of the P.A.R.C. case beyond children with developmental disabilities. The Mills class action lawsuit was brought in 1972, the same year as the P.A.R.C. case, on behalf of seven school-age children who had been denied placement in a public educational program for substantial periods of time because of alleged mental, behavioral, physical or emotional disabilities.
  • Rehabilitation Act Amendments Section 504

    Rehabilitation Act Amendments Section 504
    The 1973 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act is often thought of as the most significant legislation that was passed in regards to citizens with disabilities. These new amendments extended equal civil rights to include people with disabilities, which included the right to an education as stated in Section 504. However, most educators didn't realize that these amendments applied to public schools.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    With the help of court cases, such as Brown vs. Board, the enactment of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act made sure that students with disabilities are educated in all public school districts. EAHCA included providing free appropriate education, special education to children ages 3 to 21, supplemental services, due process, zero reject, and least restrictive environment. EAHCA would experience amendments and change its name to IDEA .
  • EAHCA Amendments

    EAHCA Amendments
    EAHCA's amendments include an early intervention program to include infants and toddlers (birth to three program), authorized grants, clarified parental rights, and allowed interagency agreements to allow for transitioning students. The amendments aren't fully implemented until September of 1994, but the amount of children in this part of the EAHCA has grown significantly since.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    "The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 was a landmark in disability rights legislation" because it extended the rights beyond that of Section 504. This act extends the rights of people with disabilities into society by ensuring equal rights regarding accessibility, accommodations, employment, and transportation, which requires schools to ensure accessibility and accommodations "to those with mobility, health, or visual impairments.
  • IDEA Reauthorization

    IDEA Reauthorization
    In 1990 EAHCA was renamed Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and in 1997 it was reauthorized and included amendments to require students with disabilities take the same assessments on the district and statewide levels and changes to IEP requirements. IDEA states that low expectations "plague" special education and the 1997 amendments aimed to provide the tools needed to "ensure that all students with disabilities receive a high quality education."
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which was an ESEA reauthorization, focused mainly on key areas including science, mathematics, and language arts. This includes the requirement to have all students to be proficient in reading and math by 2014. States are required to submit annual yearly progress documentation and there are repercussions to those schools that are not showing annual yearly progress on a regular basis.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    Under Obama, IDEA was recently amended through Public Law 114-95: Every Student Succeeds Act
    This act was passed in order to govern the United States education policy
    This law replaced the previous law "No Child Left Behind" and modified some of the elements regarding standardized tests