Special Education Timeline

  • Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka

    Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka
    This was originally about segregation it make a board of under standing that all people no mater the circumstances deserve a equal education in public school. This really gave a good solid foundation of people need to have the same opportunities in there educational career. https://www.wgu.edu/blog/special-education-history-resources-advice2001.html#close]
  • Elementary And Secondary Education Act

    Elementary And Secondary Education Act
    This act gave funding to public schools to help build and help Students with special needs a solid base to insure they are learning the most efficient way for the individual. This allowed students and schools to get assistance and have money to put toward there education. [https://www.wgu.edu/blog/special-education-history-resources-advice2001.html#close]
  • Rehabilitation Act

    Rehabilitation Act
    This made sure that student with special needs got the help they need by insuring them no one could denied them of there program and benefits as long as the program received federal funding. It allowed people to get the schooling they need despite certain characters and race. [https://www.wgu.edu/blog/special-education-history-resources-advice2001.html#close]
  • Education for all handicapped children act (EHA)

    Education for all handicapped children act  (EHA)
    At the time president Gerald Ford signed into pubic law 94-142 the Education For All Handicapped Children Act. This allowed free public education in all the states. This act helped pave the way for special education. This applied to Children with mental and physical disabilities. It was to insure that all children are getting a education that is suited for them at no cost. [https://www.umassglobal.edu/news-and-events/blog/special-education-laws]
  • Handicapped Children Protection Act

    Handicapped Children Protection Act
    The Handicapped children Protection Act was started at a supreme courts rolling in the 1984 case of Smith V. Robinson. This act allowed legal representation to the parents of the handicapped child at a lower cost in civil suits to protect their children. This was important due to the fact that no one should have to deal with protecting there child because you want them to have an education. [rights.https://www.umassglobal.edu/news-and-events/blog/special-education-laws]
  • (EHA) became Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

    (EHA) became Individuals With Disabilities Education Act
    This Act issuers that children with special need at public schools are getting the education that suits there needs. This is called and (Individualized Education Program) also called (IEPs). This was created to protect the right of children and be properly evaluated so the individual can live up to there max learning potential. [abilities.https://www.umassglobal.edu/news-and-events/blog/special-education-laws]
  • Assistive Technology Act

    Assistive Technology Act
    This Act was instated in 1998 but was reauthorized in 2004. what this act does is assist students with technology so they can fully participate in class with there disabilities. This allows the student to fully engage with the class and at the same time helping them with there educational. This helps the student feel normal and gain social skills and confidence that will help in the working world. [understanding.https://www.wgu.edu/blog/special-education-history-resources-advice2001.html#close]
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    This is a law that offers fair and appropriate education throughout the nation with it being free. This makes sure children with disabilities have a special education and as well as other services that will help them in there learning ages 3-21 years of age.This is awesome because the more people become educated it will help in the long run to unite and conquer. [https://www.wgu.edu/blog/special-education-history-resources-advice2001.html#close]