Special education

Special Education Timeline

  • Public Law 88-164

    Public Law 88-164
    Joh F. Kennedy approved this law in which it authorized funds for professionals to work with chidren with special needs, for reaserach for students with deafness, intellectual and developmental disabilities.JFK's interest for this law was stronger due to the fact his sister had a disability.
  • Public law 93-112

    Public law 93-112
    This legislation is about the rights of people with a disability. It ptotects individuals with a disability if they have been denied or excluded from anything just because of a disabilty. Public Law was passed broadening Section 504 to include the Executive Branch Agencies of the Federal Government.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Public Law 94-142
    This effort took effect in 1977. It stated that all handicapped children would have a appropriate education in where all their needs would be met and satisfied appropriately. In order to get funding they had to prove by assesments, parental contact and student evaluations that they needed the funds. The school is required to receive written permission from the parent before conducting an evaluation of the child.
  • Public Law 99-457

    Public Law 99-457
    This law provided federal funds for the states to develop programs and plans for children with disabilities and their families from birth on. The Education for all Handicapped Children Act was misnamed, it wasn't necessarily for allchildren of all ages.Due to this pressure grew on the law to inclued the younger ages.
  • Public Law 100-407

    Public Law 100-407
    This act recognizes that students with disabilities need special equipment to perform better and more independently also known as assistive technology. PL 100-407 also authorizes funding to allow states to create statewide systems of technological assistance to meet those needs.
  • Individuals with Diabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Diabilities Education Act
    IDEA was introduced on October 30, 1990 when the "Education of All Handicapped Children Act" was renamed "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act." IDEA received minor amendments in October 1991.
  • Americans with disabilities Act

    Americans with disabilities Act
    This act extends civil rights to people with disabilities. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 gurantee rights regardless of race, national origin, color, religion or gender. While this act just restates The Civil Rights Act but for people with disabilities.
  • Public Law 105-17

    Public Law 105-17
    Public law 105-17 became a law once president Clinton signed it.This federal law guarantees all students between the ages of 3 through 21 with disabilities the right to a free appropriate public education designed to meet their individual needs. It also offers protections for the rights of students with disabilities and their parents.
  • Public Law 107-110

    Public Law 107-110
    This law is also known as the popular No Child Left Behind act of 2001. Public Law 107-110 was the major education legislation in the George W. Bush administration, the whole purpose of this was to hold accountable schools and educators for bringing students to a minimum level of education. For chidren with disabilities this is a a hard and sometimes unrealistic goal to meet the standards they are required to.
  • IDEA 2004

    IDEA 2004
    IDEA was remodeled to stregthen earlier versions. It had several improvements.One of them was quality of personnel,IEP standards,and transition services. It authorized fifteen states to implement 3-year IEPs on a trial basis when parents continually agreed. More concrete provisions relating to discipline of special education students was also added in this revised IDEA.