Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The main outline of this act was to help low income families to recieve the support the need to succeed in school. It helped provide children with free and reduced lunches, and gave stuggling communities the support it needed to get extra, qualified teahers. This Act also allowed students who needed addictional support in public schools to obtain that help. -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act (VRA)
This act prohibited federally funded educational programs from discrimating against students with disabilities. This act also gave a discription of "appropiate education" and "handicapped person". -
Educational Amendments Act
This act grated students and families the right to due process in special education placements in schools. The act also provided states with federal funding and programs for students who are gifted and talented. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
This act is also know as the Mainstreaming Law. It required that students be provided with free and appropiate pulbic education for all children with disabilities. It also created Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and required states to provide and edcuation to students in the least restrictive environment. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
This Act replaced EAHCA. This acted extended the services provided to students with disabilities, including individuals with autism and TBI, to include social work, assistive technoligy and rehabilitational services. It also required states to provide bilingual education programs and individualized transition programs to students with disabilities. This act also established people-first language. -
Individuals with Disablilities Education Act (IDEA) Additions
Extended the services that students with disabilities received, by requiring that school provide students with disabilities a general edcuation and participation in the general edcuation classroom. Also, teachers are required to be a part of the IEP team. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act aimed to improve the proformance of schools by holding the school districts, and states accountable for all students acheivement, including those for minorities and special needs. Also, this act allowed students enroll in any school if thier school was failing. This act also implemented early reading interventions. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
Districts are allowed to use Response to Intervetion to determine whether a studetn has a specific learning disability and no longer requires that a child have a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ablilty to qualify. It also increased the funding provided for early intervention services.