Vocational Rehabilitation Act (VRA) Public Law 93-112, Section 504
This act is very important for special education because this was the first time "handicapped" and "appropriate education" was defined. This also prevented discrimination against students who were needing help due to a disability in a public school. -
Educational Ammendments Act (Public Law 93-380)
This act was important to special education because grants were given to fund states for exceptional, gifted and talented learners. There was also approval for families who have students with special education needs the right of due process in special educaion placement. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142, Part B)
This is an important even because it later is referred to as "IDEA" after improvements were made. This required the states to provide free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities. This is also when IEPs were first used which is imperative in special education today. -
Education for all Handicapped Act Ammendments (Public Law 99-457)
This is an important event because it extended the free and appropriate education for children with disabilities to include ages 3-5. There are also programs started from this act for early intervention for ages birth to 2. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 101-476)
I believe this is an important even because it expands special education to have rehabilitation services, technologies and social work. Autism and traumatic brain injury was added as disabilities because of this act. I believe it is life changing since they now offered transitioning from school to employment from this act. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 105-17)
I believe that this is an important even in special education because it required that studens with disabilities to be included in assessments statewide and districtwide. Students also legally were able to continue to get help in special education services even if they were expelled from school because it is their right! -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (Public Law 108-446)
This is an important even because the response to intervention
model was created in this act. This is also important because funds were increased for early intervention services and also standards in special education teacher licensures were increased!