Vocational Rehabilitation Act (VRA)
-This law defines two major ideas: Handicapped person and Appropriate Education.
-This law also prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities in all federally funded programs.
-By defining handicapped person, this law had implications for all people who are handicapped, not just students. -
Educational Amendments Act
Gives students and families the right to due process in special education placement. This means that parents can legally challenge the placement or nonplacment of their child in special education. -
Education for all Handicapped Children Act (EACHA)
- One of the first major laws to big impact on students with exceptionalities.
- Also known as the “Mainstreaming Law”
- Requires Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for children with disabilities between the ages of 5-18
- Requires Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
- One of the first major laws to big impact on students with exceptionalities.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Establishes “People First Language”
- Adds autism and traumatic brain injury as disability categories
- Required transition planning for post educational life of students with disabilities
- Expands services available to special education students
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Update to the 1990 law
-Extends the use of the developmental delay category for students up to 9 years old.
-Allows special ed staff to help with all students in classroom -Requires general ed teacher to be part of IEP team -Includes disabled students in state or districtwide tests
- Update to the 1990 law
-Extends the use of the developmental delay category for students up to 9 years old.
No Child Left Behind
- Starts to hold teachers responsible for the performance of students.
- Expands on IDEA's requirments for including all students with disabilities on state and federal testing.
- Spells out the accommodations for administering tests to students with disabilities,
- Starts to hold teachers responsible for the performance of students.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
Not since its predecessor IDEA, has a law shaped the way we treat our students with disabilities. IDEIA ensures that absolutely no child with disabilities can be excluded from a free, appropriate public education or FAPE.