Brown vs Board of Education
The Brown vs Board of Education ended the legal seperation in public schools. This decision was one of the biggest that was made in regards to education by the Supreme Court.
http://www.nps.gov/brvb/historyculture/index.htm -
Americans With Disabilites Act
This act is a very well known act that protected Americans with disabilites against discrimination in the public. This applies to employment, housing, transportation, and public accommodations. Equal access was granted for each of those sections. This is found in the textbook. -
IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
It is now a United States Federal law that regulates how public agencies provide early intervention and special education to children with disabilities. It also made sure that people used "people first" language. This goes hand-in-hand with what we are talking about in the book and discussion posts. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarted Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
This court case was enacted in 1971 that challenged the exclusion of individuals with mental retardation from public education and training. This right-to-education suit was won by the PARC and it set the standard/established that each child has to be offered an individualized education and students should be put in the least restrictive environment to maximize learning. It is found in the Textbook. -
Congresional Investigation
Congress launched an investigation into the status of children with disabilities and came to the conclusion that millions were not getting an appropriate education. More than 8 million children were special education during this investigation, and only 3.9 million were recieving good education, and 1.75 million were recieving no education at all. -
Public Law 94-142
The Education for all Handicap Children Act for children ages 3-21 was enacted to protect the rights for students and their parents. It also introduced the Least Restrictive Enviorment idea. It used federal funding to fund education for children with disabilities. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
What is now called the No child left behind act, was enacted due to Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty. The emphasis is placed on equal access to education for ALL children. Chldren from a disadvantadged family now had an opportunity to an education just as a wealthy family did.