Brown vs. Board of Education
-Stated that segregated schools were unconstitutional
-Demanded all students have equal education opportunities not reliant on race or ability -
PARC vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
-"Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children"
-Very first right to education act officially regarding students with disabilities.
-Set standard that all children are to be offered an individualized education in the least restrictive environment. -
Education for all Handicapped Children Act
-Nondiscriminatory identification and evaluation was enforced
-IEPs (individualized education programs) were deigned to create meaningful production for students with disabilities
-Stated that students with disabilities be educated in the least restrictive environment possible -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
-Replaced Education of the Handicapped Act
-Focus on child-first language, "individual with disabilities" rather than "handicapped child"
-Mandates the use of IEPs and IFSP -
Americans with Disabilities Act
-Prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities
-Stated there should be no discrimination involved with hiring or firing of people with disabilities in a workplace
-Sates all public places must be accessible to all people -
Florence County School District vs. Carter
-Claims school had failed to provide a free appropriate education
-Supreme Court ruled that if public school does not provide appropriate services they may have to pay for students education at another school -
No Child Left Behind
-Required standardized testing in grades 3-8
-States all students, no matter their disability, had to reach the same standards by 2014
-Says to provide all students with equal opportunity -
IDEA Amendments
-Requires special education teachers to be state certified and licensed with a bachelor's degree
-requires new teachers to meet the no child left behind standards in at least one subject
-IEP short term objectives changed to annual measurable goals -
Schaffer vs. Weast
-Parents sue school district under IDEA stating that child's IEP was inadequate
-Supreme Court reversed winning case ruling because of the burden of proof
-Burden of proof settlement set a precedent for future court cases regarding students with disabilities -
Obama Allows Waivers of NCLB
-Obama administration waives cornerstone requirements of NCLB
-Waives 2014 deadline for all students standardized testing
-Gives states freedom to set their won student achievement goals -
• http://www.lawnix.com/cases/brown-board-education.html
• http://www.pilcop.org/pennsylvania-association-for-retarded-citizens-parc-v-commonwealth-of-pennsylvania/
• http://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/reg/narrative.html
• http://sitemaker.umich.edu/356.zipkin/the_education_for_all_handicapped_children_act
• http://www.dol.gov/dol/topic/disability/ada.htm
• http://www.education.com/reference/article/individuals-disabilities-education-act/ -
• https://www.k12.wa.us/esea/NCLB.aspx
• http://www.afb.org/info/afb-national-education-program/jltli-2005-education-summary/summary-of-key-sections-of-the-idea-of-2004-pl-108-446/235
• http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/cert/04-698