Brown vs. Board of Education (1954)
Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) was a law that ended segregation in public schools. The segregation was made possible by Plessy vs. Feguson (1896), which made public segregation legal as long as black and white public places were equal to one another (separate but equal). One student, Linda walk over six blocks to get to her school. Her parents fought her rights to be in the school that was locally convenient for her. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_brown.html -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965
ESEA was a law to justify the unequal education of children who are in poverty. ESEA is a law that ensures that children of all socioeconomic backgrounds have the right to a free, equal education. Link text -
Rehabilitation Act (1973)
The Rehabilitation Act (1973) was an act that made it unlawful to discriminate against any Individual with Disabilities that uses federal assistance. This law is also sectioned in the American with Disabilities Act (1990) Link here -
Education for All Handicapped Children (1975)
Education for All Handicapped Children was important in 1975; it was created so that each child with a disability has the right to access a free and public education. The laws initial focus was on education, due process law, and procedural safeguards for parents and children with disabilities. Link text -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990)
ADA (1990) is a law in continuation with The Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This law was made to prohibit any discrimination of People with Disabilities. This law also made easy, accessible accommodations such as near parking, elevators and braille for all persons to use. Link text -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) (2001)
NCLB (2002) is the newest update to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965); however, in this recent update, schools and personale are responsible for student success. Link here -
IDEA (2004)
IDEA (2004) is a law that was build from Education for All Handicapped Children. It was first edited in the 1990's to use "person first" language, and to provide families with Early Intervention. Link text