Brown V. Board of Education
Schools may not segregate by race, they may also not segregate by disability or ability. -
Hobson v Hansen
Led to the realization that IQ tests used in schools had a negative impact on students who were not Caucasian, middle class, or primary language is English. -
Diana v California State Board of Education
Challenged the use of English-based IQ tests that included verbal sub tests. -
Mills v Washington
Students must be given a free and appropriate education. -
Guadalupe Organization v Teme Elementary School District
Students who did not speak English as a primary language were being tested using instruments that did not account for linguistic diversity -
Section 504
From the Rehabilitation act which prohibited any school, business, or government funded agency to discriminate against presence of disability. -
Protects parents in regards to their child's records -
All Handicapped Children Act
First law to specifically mandate compulsory education for all children with disabilities.
Example of this is LRE (Least restrictive Environment) -
Indivdiuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
Increased the emphasis on politically correct language. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Guaranteed access to participate in daily living activities of all types, not just education, and it applies to people in all ages.