Special Education Law Timeline

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Legally ended decades of racial segregation in American public schools. It was one of the civil rights movements and helped launch the “separate-but-equal” education and other items where not equal to children in schools.
  • PARC vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC (Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Children) VS. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania was lawsuit that wanted to give children over the age of 8 with a mental capacity of a 5-year-old with mental retardation free education because at the time they were able to deny them the free education. The U.S. district court resulted in a decree that the state agreed to the free education.
  • Mills VS. Board of Education

    Mills Vs. Board of Education established the right of students with disabilities to a free education. U.S district ruled that you cannot deny education to students with disabilities based on the cost of accommodations.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitaion Act

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitaion Act is a law that stops the discrimination to people with disabilities not getting benefits and services that they may need. It gives them the right to the accesses programs and services that they may need starting with the young in school and going up to adulthood. For any program that gets federal money.
  • Public Law 94-142: The Education for all Handicapped Children Act

    Public Law 94-142: The Education for all Handicapped Children Act requires that all public schools getting federal funding provide equal access to all children with physical and mental disabilities. This law guaranteed a free appropriate education to those who are 3-21. This law had a huge impact for people in their communities accross the country.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that gives a free appropriate and accommodating education to children with disabilities around the nations and makes sure that special education services are available to them. Infants and toddlers, birth through age 2, with disabilities receive early intervention services under IDEA Part C. Children and youth ages 3 through 21 receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B.
  • Board of Education v. Rowley

    Board of Education v. Rowley is supreme court case concerning the interpretation of the Education for all handicapped children act. The school failed to provide a student with an interpreter because she was deaf.
  • Honig v. Doe

    Honig v. Doe was a case in 1988 that involved the rights of students with disabilities. Its case that declared that the California school district violated an act under the Individuals with disability act when they suspended a student with disabilities for violent behavior related to his disability.
  • Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District

    Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District In this case, Timothy has severe disabilities. The school district said that his disability was severe that he was unable to benefit from any education given to him. The acts put in place detail that such children with such severe disabilities get first priority and need the right accommodations such at OT, PT, and BH.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act is a act that protects people with disabilities from discrimination. Disability rights are civil rights and this helps ensure the protection for those who need it.