Brown v. Board of Education
Established that segregation is not legal and unconstitutional against an equal opportunity for an education. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Providing federal funding for schools and programs for improving equal access to public education. -
PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Established evaluation standards for children with disabilities -
Mills v. Board of Education
Established that children with disabilities were able to receive a public education. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
"Considered the first disability civil rights law against the discrimination of persons with disablities." -
Lau v. Nichols
An equal educational case that specified that accommodations are needed for students in which English is not their primary language. -
The Education of all Handicapped Children
Schools receiving federal aid are required to provide an education for all children. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Establishes the civil rights law from discriminating due to a disability. -
No Child Left Behind Act
A revision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that reestablishes the funding for schools and the requirement for assessments of students with disabilities. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
Provides federal funding for schools to offer special education for students with disabilities.