Brown V. Board of Education
Brown passes allowing students of different races to attend schools without being segregated, also opens the door for students with disabilities to enter schools and not be segregated. ( Turnbull, Turnbull,Shrogen,Wehmeyer,2016 p.9-10) -
Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965
President Lyndon B. Johnson passes what is known as ESEA allowing equal education for all children. Title III of the act "provided for special education and related services in isolated or rural areas" ( VCU, 2017). -
Mills v. Board of Education
The District of Columbia argued that they had insufficient financial funding to fund children with special needs. Federal courts ordered that "If sufficient funds are not available to finance all of the services and programs that are needed and desirable in the system, then the available funds must be expended equitably in such a manner that no child is entirely excluded from a publicly supported education consistent with his needs and ability to benefit therefrom"( Disability Justice, 2017). -
PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Advocates for students for disabilities won a major case in federal courts that ordered schools to give equality to children with disabilities. "Federal courts ordered the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia to provide a free appropriate education to all students with disabilities, educate students with disabilities in the same schools and the same programs" (Turnball, Turnball, Wehmeyer, & Shrogen, 2016, p. 10) -
Education for all Handicapped Children Act
The act presently known as IDEA passed in 1975 ensured that all students regardless of their disability should have free access to education. It also brought funds into the schools for children who could not learn through general education to allow accommodations( Arkansas State University, 2017). -
Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
First Supreme Court ruling in Special Education where students were given the right to have access to the proper educational program for their specific needs in instruction. The ruling also introduced the induction of the IEP to facilitate their learning (Esteves & Rao,2008). -
EHA is changed into IDEA
EHA is changed into IDEA. "The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that all children with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living"(APA,2017). -
Idea is Amended
Idea was amended to include meaningful goals in the IEP of the student with a disability and amending of an IEP if goals were not being met . The amendment included help with supplementary aid and services before a student was put into Special Education. The IEP had to state as to why the student was pulled from general education classrooms to involve more inclusion -
No Child Left Behind
The No Child Left Behind Act concentrated on testing for student in reading and math. It included that if students were to be accommodated if they had a disability on assessments given to the student as defined by IDEA(U.S. Department of Education, 2002). -
Congress Reauthorizes IDEA
IDEA enacted in 1975, is expanded to include children from age 0 to 5 and adults up to the age of 21 years old(Turnball, Turnball, Wehmeyer, & Shrogen, 2016, p. 10).