First School of Special Education
The first school of special education was established in April 15, 1817 in Hartford, Connecticut. It was called the American School for the deaf. It was founded by Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. This school was the first school to provide a specialized instructions for students with special needs. -
Council for Exceptional Students
The Council for Exceptional Children is a professional association of educators who advance students success through through advocacy, standards, and professional development. Their core values include visionary thinking, integrity, and inclusiveness. https://www.cec.sped.org/About-Us -
The Arc is the world’s largest community based organization of and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It provides different services to those with disabilities to help assist them with the skill they need in order to be active citizens of their community.
The goal of ARC is to help these individuals have a normal life and are treated the same. -
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects the individuals from discrimination based upon their disability. It also provides an appropriate educational environment for these students. This education that is provided at public schools should be free. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 is the Unites States' National education law that represents a commitment of equality to all students. This states that those schools would receive authorized funds to support educational programs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4okt6u6OEkg -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
In 1975 the Unites States congress passed the Education for all Handicapped Children Act.This ensured that all handicapped children in public schools would have access to a free education. This schools that receive federal founds must provide this. The act was designed for any questions or concerns that the parent might have regarding their child's education. -
Individual Education Plan
The Individual Education Plan also know as the IEP was first introduced to schools in 1975. This was created so that the every student with a disability has an equal opportunity to get the same education as any other student would get. IEPs are very detailed plans. -
Learning Disabilities Foundation of America
Learning Disabilities Foundation of America is a tax-except public charity that provides founds for research and education for children and adults with disabilities. This foundation also promotes public awareness of children and adults with disabilities. -
No Child Left Behind
The No Child Left behind Act was created in 2002 in which states were required to test students in reading and math in grades 3–8 and once in high school. All students are expected to meet or exceed state standards in each area. The purpose of this Act was to provide children with fair and equal opportunities to get a high quality education. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) is a law that provides free appropriate public education to those children with disabilities.
This program provides early intervention, special education, and other services to those children who have disabilities. The educators then have to provide a report of their progress. The two purposes of this to give children the proper education that they need in order to succeed and to also protect the right of the child and the parent.