Special Education History

  • First School for the Deaf in America

    First School for the Deaf in America
    Galladuet and Clerc created a school to help educate people that were deaf. This was the first school in the United state for people that had disabilities(ASD).
  • Braille Created

    Braille Created
    Louis braille created braille to help people who are blind to be able to read. She took a raised dot system that was used by the military and made it simpler for people that are blind to use their fingers to read the braille(Britanica).
  • Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble Minded Children

    Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble Minded Children
    Dr.Howe helped to establish an experimental boarding school for children with disabilities. The reason Howe did this is to help prepare children with disabilities to be functioning members of society. (Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities)
  • American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

    American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
    Founded by Seguin in 1876, this association helps advocate for the equality of people with intellectual disabilities. They have helped to form the criteria for identifying intellectual disabilities(AAIDD).
  • Council for exceptional children

    Council for exceptional children
    The Council for Exceptional Children was formed to help create better standards for children with disabilities to receive an education. Since its passage, many laws and professional standard has created a better environment for children with disabilities in the classroom.(Yell,2019,Pg93)
  • National Association for Retarded Citizens

    National Association for Retarded Citizens
    This group was created by thirteen individuals and forty-two parents who wanted better treatment for people with mental retardation. This group has helped to provide information to the public. ARC helps to advocate for people that are mentally retarded and also helps to make sure the service they are receiving are good quality services(Yell,2019, Pg92).
  • Institute for Research on Exceptional Children

    Institute for Research on Exceptional Children
    George Stoddard helped to establish an institution for research on children with disabilities. With this research, new methods of teaching a student with disabilities were developed. (University of Illinois)
  • President panal on mental retardation

    President panal on mental retardation
    President Kennedy formed a council to help come up with a solution to help people with disabilities. The information that this council and the recommendation was used by president Kenedy to address congress on ways to help people with disabilities. This council led to new programs and laws to be established to help people with disabilities(JFK museum).
  • Learning Disabilities term formed

    Learning Disabilities term formed
    In Samuel Kirk's 1963 speech at an education conference, he helped to define learning disabilities. This term has helped to form laws to help those with learning disabilities(IDM).
  • Diana v state board of education

    This court came about when a student whose native language was Spanish was tested in English. As a result of this test being in English, the student failed and was put in special education. The court ruled that students must be tested in their native language and not just in English(SERR).
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    In this court, PARC was suing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for their failure to educate students with mental retardation. The result from this case ruled that students that are between the ages of 6 to 21 need to receive an education that is free and fair. Also that it would benefit the student with disabilities to learn alongside students without disabilities(Yell,2019.p.98-99).
  • Mills vs Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    In this court, case parents of students with disabilities were suing the board of education in the district of Columbia due to the school not allowing a student with disabilities in school. It was ruled that excluding students with disabilities is just as unconstitutional as it is segregating on the basis of race. This court case also helped to create due process safeguards (Yell,2019,Pg99).
  • Section 504

    Section 504 does not allow any discrimination against students with disabilities in any activity or program that receives federal funding. This not only protects students that are in special education but students that have disabilities that don't qualify for special education(Yell,2019, Pg189).
  • The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps

    The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps
    The association for a person with severe handicaps comprises related service providers, parents, teachers, and administrators. The goal of this organization is to help to distribute information on what are the best practice to help people with multiple disabilities . They also help to publish reports and help to make sure people with severe disabilities are being treated humanely(Yell,2019,PG93).
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    In The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 created new laws to help children with disabilities. It first offered that states that agreed to provide education for a student with disabilities would receive federal funding. The second requirement was that this act required a free and fair education to students with disabilities in the least restrive environment. Last it required schools to develop IEP for each student with disabilities(Yell,2019, Pg189).
  • Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley

    The supreme court, in this court case, helped to redefine Free Appropriate Public education. The supreme court stated schools do not need to be able to achieve their full potential, that the schools only need to prove sufficient resources for the child to be able to access education (Duignan).
  • Irving Independent School. Dist. v. Amber Tatro

    In this court case, a school refused to provide a student with the help to put in a catheter. The school stated that this was a medical service and that they didn't have to help the student. The supreme court decision of this case helped to redefine what counts as a medical service and related service that fall under the Education for All Handicapped Children Act(Umpsted).
  • School Committee of the Town of Burlington v. Massachusetts Department of Education

    The supreme court ruled in this court case that schools must reimburse parents when they place their child in a private school as a result of the school not providing a good IEP (Rehberg,2021).
  • The Handicapped Children’s Protection Act

    The Handicapped Child Protection Act amended the EACHA, and this new Act allows parents to recover Attorney fees if they win the court case(Yell,2019,pg104).
  • Honig vs doe

    This court case was brought to the supreme court from a student being permanently suspended for a behavioral outburst. The court ruled that schools could not permanently suspend a student for behavior resulting from their disabilities(Steketee,2021).
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    This act was split into four-part and in those four-part, the IDEA has six different principles that schools must follow. The six principles are FAPE, Appropriate evaluation, Individualize education plan, least restrictive environment, parents involvement, and safeguards (Harmon,2020).
  • American with Disabilities Act

    American with Disabilities Act
    The American with Disabilities Act protects people with disabilities from discrimination in any setting. In the school setting, schools are required to make all opportunities, facilities, and extracurricular activities accessible to all students(Yell,2019,p256)
  • Oberti v Board of Education of the Borough of Clementon

    The court ruled in favor of the parent and stated that even though the school is not on the approved list, parents are still entitled to reimbursement. Parents are allowed to do this when schools fail to provide free and appropriate education(Staples,2002).
  • Public Law 105-17

    P.L 105-17 was an amendment that was added to the IDEA. This amendment changed who was part of the IEP team and added new IEP content. Next, it added a new requirement for disciplinary actions. Third, this amendment requires each state to offer mediation before a due process hearing. Last it reorganized the structure of the IDEA(Yell,2019,p114).
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left Behind Act helps special education students in a couple of ways. First, it required each state had to bring all students, including students that have disabilities, to a proficient level. Next, this act required the school to set goals for improvement. Last, this act required schools to create accommodation for state-wide tests(Yell,2019,pg110).
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA)

    Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA)
    This act changed the idea in a couple of ways. First, it helped to define what a highly qualified teacher means. Next, it took away short-term objects from the IEP. The exception to this is when there is a student with severe disabilities. Thrid it banned states from allowing a school to use a discrepancy formula for determining what students with learning disabilities are eligible for special education. Last it encourages the school to use the response-to-intervention model (Yell,2019,p114).
  • The Assistive Technology Act

    The Assistive Technology Act
    This AssistiveTechnology Act helps to provide funding to states to help provide technology to people with disabilities. Technology such as communication devices, wheelchairs, patient lifts(Relton).
  • Schaffer v. Weast

    The parent of a student with disabilities was not satisfied with the school placement for the child and placed their child in a private school. After they put him in the private school, they initiated the due process. The court agreed with both sides' argument and said the party that has the burden of persuasion would present further evidence. This court case has helped to define who has the burden of persuasion in due process hearings and court cases(Conroy, Yell & Katsiyannis,2008).
  • M.R. v. Ridley School District,

    This court case helped to deem that when a hearing officer decided that child placement in a school is appropriate, the student with a disability is allowed to stay put in that school until all court cases are final. It also helped to affirm that schools must reimburse the parent for the private school cost(Berny&snag,2017).
  • Every Student succeeds Act

    Every Student succeeds Act
    In the Every Student succeeds act, states are required to provide more transparency to parents and the community. This act requires a school to give parents information to help the parent make the choice that they believe is best for their child's education(Lee,2021).
  • Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District

    In this supreme court case, the court decided that the school must support the students learning needs, and the court reinforced that there needs to be a realistic but high expectation for the student's education. The court also stated that the student's IEP is reasonably thought out, and it helps the child to grow in light of the complication of their disabilities(Autin, Docherty, Agorratus,2018).