Special Education History Assignment

By lzic512
  • PARC vs. Pennsylvania

    PARC vs. Pennsylvania
    In PARC v Pennsylvania, a PARC sued the state of Pennsylvania for not giving children with disabilities an equal education. This is one of the court cases that put many people into motion to fight for change in education for people with disabilities. The court case resulted in schools being forced to accommodate with special programs for students with disabilities
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act - Section 504

    Vocational Rehabilitation Act - Section 504
    Section 504 is a law that was put in place to protect the rights and freedoms of people with disabilities. After a sit-in, Section 504 was signed into law. Immediately after it was signed into law, there were changes being made. New buildings were built with handicap-accessible accommodations. And all institutions that use government money prohibit discrimination against those with disabilities.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act - IDEA

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act - IDEA
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (IDEA), helped to improve learning environments for children with disabilities. The law ensures that those with a disability get the attention in the classroom they need. It requires schools to prepare students with disabilities for independent living. And it provides aid to institutions to help with teaching students with disabilities.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The Americans with Disabilities Act is a more general capture of stopping discrimination against those with disabilities. Those areas include: employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications, and access to state and local government programs and services. This Act was passed to ensure more equal treatment of people with disabilities in the general.