Brown V. Board of Education
Segregation of children in the public schools was changed and stated that education would be made equally available to all children. -
The Learning Disability Act
Congress had passed this act which mandated services to support students with learning disabilities, in other words, they made funds available in order to support those with learning disabilities. -
PARC V. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
PARC, Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children, sued the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a law that allowed to deny education to certain people. The outcome was that the school systems then had to take in children with disabilities and make special accommodations for them. -
Mills V. Board of Education
This court case was to push the equal opportunity for education because 7 school-aged children were denied a placement in the public schools because they either had mental, behavioral, physical, or emotional illness. Board of Education claimed that they had insufficient funds to provide an education for students with any disability, but the Court did not see that as an excuse. The Court sided that no chid would be denied to a public education. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Section 504 prohibited discrimination against people with a disability. This Section works with the ADA and IDEA to protect those with a disability from being excluded, and they could not be excluded from any program that was receiving federal funds. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142)
This act made sure that all students with disabilities would receive a free and proper education in the public schools. This also included requirements for individual education programs, protection of rights of the students and their parents, and nondiscriminatory assessments for the students. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
This law renamed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142) "People-first" was suggested and the term "handicap" was replaced by "disability." This new law required transition services for students to prepare them for employment. Also, autism and traumatic brain injury were added to the disability list as well. -
IDEA Reauthorized (PL 105-17)
Regular education teachers were included in the IEP process, and students were more included to general curriculum and instate/district wide assessments. ADHD was also added to the list that made a child eligible for "other health impairments." -
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) (PL 107-110)
NCLB was signed into law by president George W. Bush. Students with special needs were given accommodations when they were given assessments. The U.S. Department of Education emphasized on
-Researched-Based Education
-Parent Options -
IDEA is Reauthorized Again (PL 108-446)
School personal had more authority in Special education placement decisions, this new law was also better aligned with the NCLB Act.