Beattie v. Board of Education
The Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds a ruling that a student could be excluded from a school based on a disability. The student had a condition that caused drooling and facial contortions, which teachers found nauseating. The courts agreed with the teachers and said the student caused too much disruption and took to much time from the teacher. -
Council of Exceptional Children
Founded in 1922, by school administrators, and faculty at Teachers college of Columbia University. It is the largest professional organization in the county devoted to special educational. Its purpose is to improve the success of children with disabilities and gifted/talented children. -
Brown VS Board of Education
This was a Supreme Court case in which the justices ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional. It helped establish the “separate-but-equal” education and other services were not, in fact, equal at all. This court case brought attention to black vs white's in school and special needs vs general education students.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX9Dmo24_cc -
Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia
This case was brought on behalf of 7 students living in Washington D.C. The students had disabilities and were excluded from their public schools and denied educational services. This ruling made it unlawful for the D.C. Board of Education to deny these individuals access to publicly funded educational opportunities. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
This prohibits against discrimination of disabled persons. It is implemented wherever programs/ activities receive "federal financial" assistance or participate in federal programs. The law included FAPE and LRE. Students are eligible when they have either a physical or mental disability that inhibits their learning experience. -
Education for All Handicap Children Act
Enacted by the United States Congress in 1975, it requires all public schools that were issued federal funds to provide children with disabilities with equal access to education and one free meal a day. It made sure all children with disabilities are educated in pubic schools. -
Least Restrictive Environment
Least Restrictive Environment means that with a student’s IEP must also be in as many regular education classes as possible. This ensures that the student has social experiences. -
Mainstreaming is the practice of placing students with special education services in a general education classroom during specific time periods based on their skills. These students will have certain supports they will bring to the general education classroom; such as one on one aide. Schools that practice mainstreaming believe that students with special needs who cannot function in a general education classroom to a certain extent belong in the special education environment. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
This Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush. The act promises people with special needs they will have the same rights as everybody else, including both school and work. This act also stated that people with special needs cannot be discriminated against in schools, the workplace, and everyday society. -
The individuals with disabilities Education Act
IDEA was signed into law by George W. Bush. This law includes 6 pillars: FAPE, LRE, IEP, evaluation, parent/student participation, and all procedural safeguards for participants. It also includes 4 sections. A covers the general provisions of the law. B covers assistance for education of all children with disabilities. C covers infants and toddlers with disabilities, including children from birth to age three. D consists of the national support programs administered at the federal level. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This law states that all students should be proficient in math and reading by 2014. Some states did not want to be part of it. The primary purpose of NCLB is to ensure that students in every public school achieve important learning goals while being educated in safe classrooms by well-prepared teachers. https://www.edweek.org/ew/section/multimedia/no-child-left-behind-overview-definition-summary.html