Brown vs. Board of Education
A Supreme Court ruling that states " It is unconstitutional to separate students based on their race in public schools". This case ruling opened doors for the integration of student's with disabilities into schools. -
Education and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Title VI states that " No person shall be discriminated based on color, race or national origin from participation in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance". This law was signed by President Johnson. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
It is a national law that a qualified individual is protected from discrimination because of their disability. It is also a educational plan used in school for students with a physical or mental impairments. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
President Gerald Ford signed this into law stating " To provide an appropriate education for children with a disability that were not receiving a proper education ". -
A Nation at Risk
President Ronald Reagan stated that " In order to keep up with competing nations around the world school standards would need to be drastically raised". -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Individuals with a disability cannot be discriminated against, and it also defines an individual with a disability who has a physical or mental impairment that affect one or more of major life activities. This law was signed and passed by President George Bush. -
No Child Left Behind
This law states that," all students with or without a disability will need to be proficient in math and reading in grades 3-8 and one time in high school by the year 2014". It is to ensure that student's achieve important learning goals by qualified teachers. -
Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act (IDEIA)
It ensures that all students with a disability have a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that includes special education with its related services to meet their own needs for education, employment and independent living. -
Forest Grove School District versus T.A.
Parent's of disable children are allowed to be reimbursed for expenses whenever the public schools do not provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for children with disabilities. -
Rosa's Law
President Barack Obama signed this law in reference to changing the word "mental retardation" to "intellectual disability" or "individual with an intellectual disability". These new revised terms took place where there are outdated terms in resource documents, memos and other supporting documentation. When the law was put in place, it promoted more inclusion in the classroom.