Special Education Law Timeline

  • Brown vs Board of Education

    -The first significant to influence special education. It was in fact a case about segregation.
    -This began the movement towards equality in education for everyone.
  • The Elementary & Secondary Education Act

    -Even after the Brown case, schools still had the "right" to allow students with disabilities in. Many didn't, until this Act was passed.
    -This act says that the Government would give money to school to improve education.
  • Amendment made to Elementary & Secondary Education Act

    -A year after the Elementary & Secondary Education Act was put in place, it was amended to include all students with disabilities as well.
  • Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act

    -States that no student can be denied from any program or activity being funded by federal money.
    -This meant in both public & private schools.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    -Also known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
    -Put in place because children with disabilities were still being mistreated & poorly educated.
    -Considered a major phase for Special Education.
  • Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District vs Rowley

    -The first Special Education case to land in the Supreme Court.
    -This meant that students that qualified for special education services must have access to them that meet each of their unique educational needs.
    -Later it also added the IEP (Individual Education Plan). That gave parents an idea of what to expect for their childs education.
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act

    • This Act says that all school districts and education institutions are required to allow students with disabilities into their schools & classrooms even if they do not receive federal money.
  • Additional Amendments to IDEA

    -These changes were made to shift the focus of the access given to special education students. -From just "providing access" to providing meaningful programs for the students that would provide them a better education.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    -Added to improve the quality of education for students wit disabilities even at the State level.
    -Also increased accountability at the State level for student achievement.

    -Today schools continue to work diligently to provide the best possible education for children with disabilities. Some schools fall short. While some exceed expectation.
    -We need to work harder to have teachers who are qualified for this field & that can fill the growing number of Special Education teachers that our country needs.