Special Education in the United States
Today children with disabilities attend the same classroom as children without disabilities. Prior to Federal laws, people with disabilities were taught at home or place in institutions. Special education took momentum in the early 20th century when parents form an advocacy group helped bring the need for special education to the forefront. In 1962 John F. Kennedy forms a panel on Mental Retardation. -
Litigiation and Legislation
In Diana v. State of Education, Mexican American students overrepresentation in special classes for students with mild disability were addressed. Henley, Ramsey, & Algozzie, 2009) -
Legislation (cont.)
The case of Pennsylvania where children with disabilities were denied equal access to public education. Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Common Wealth of Pennsylvania denying public education to children with intellectual disabilities -
Legislation (cont.)
Mills v. The Board of Education of the District of Columbia challenged the exclusion of student with disabilities by 1973 other similar cases began to challenge Congress that schools were violating the Fourteenth Amendment Rights of children with disabilities. (Henley, Ramsey & Algozzine, 2009) -
The first law on behalf of students with disabilities, that schools no longer violate their Fourteenth Amendments of students with disabilities. (Henley, Ramsey, & Algozzie, 2009) -
Federal Law
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 extend services for students who have disabilities the same protection as gender and race. Section 504 has greatly influenced the 1973 law. The Individual with Disabilities Act (IDEA) (1975) occurred on behalf of children with disabilities. All Handicapped Children Act (AHA) mandated free and appropriate education for students with disabilities 3-21 years of age (Henley, Ramsey, & Algozzie, 2009) -
Federal Laws (cont.)
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Any individual with disability physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life's activities record of such impairment or regards having such impairment such person must be qualified for services or jobs. (Henley, Ramsey, & Algozzie (2009) -
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
This act prohibit discrimination solely on the basis of disability in employment, public services, and accommodations. Any individual with disability, physical or mental impairment that substantially limit one or more activity must qualify for services or jobs.(Henley, Ramsey, & Algozzie, 2009).
American With Disability Act of 1990 -
ADA 1990
ADA (1990) is known as the first civil right law addressing the needs of people with disabilities.The ADA provides additional protection in combination with the actions brought about under section 504 and IDEA. -
ADA (1991)
A comprehensive regulations and interpretive appendix were issued. (eeoc, gov n.d) -
ADA (1991-1992)
IN 1991 one year before the effective date of the act employment provisions; between 1991 and 1992, the EEOC offer a Technical Assistance Manual which provide guidiance for employers and persons with disabilities and develop extensive ADA training programs. (eeoc.gov, n.d) -
ADA (1995)
In 1995, a comprehensive chapter of EEOC's Compliance Manual provided a definition o the term disability. -
No Child Left Behind Act (2002)
No Child Left Behind Act (2002) made changes in education with four basic changes. States create their own standards for what should learn in each grade. Federal aid is contingent on an increase in proficiency in maths, reading, and science among all students. A student that attends title 1 school that fail has the option to another school. Schools have more flexibility in allocating resources and teacher professional development. (Henley, Ramsey, Algozzie,2009) -
No Chid Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Law of 2002 updated the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, holding schools accountable for students outcomes. (ed.gov. n.d)
Every Student Success Act (ESSA)
In December 2015, Congress passed the Every Student Success Act (ESSA) to replace NCLB. It had a great impact on teaching, learning, and how schools improvement, and become very controversial with educators and the general public. (ed.gov, n.d)
If we would have to look back on special education the sight would make us sick. A child with intellectual or physical disability would have no access to school or would be institutionalize. The current special educational system is a product of many different events and influences over the years. Special education provide students with disabilities specialized instruction designed to meet their needs, giving them the opportunity to develop their full potential. -
Henley, M., Ramsey, R. S., & Algozzine, R. (2009). Characteristics of and strategies for teaching students with mild disabilities. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson. U.S Equal Employment opportunity Commission. (.n.d). Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Retrieved from https://www.eeoc.gov U.S department of Education. (.n.d) No Child Left Behind. Retrieved from https://www.2ed.gov. Bing Images, (2017). Retrieved from https://www.bing.com/search? -
Special Education Laws