American School for the Deaf
Hartford, CT was the home to the first school for the hearing impaired. It was founded in the same city and state, and became the first school for the know handicapped individuals in the Western Hemisphere.(History, 2019) This school allowed for students to come together who are impaired, where most in the public will notice. History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Compulsory Law
Rhode Island becomes the first state to mandate all students are required to receive an education. The education is also to be provided by the government. (History, 2019) This law allowed students who were handicapped to start receiving some form of education. History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Columbia (then institution) University becomes the first college to allow students hearing and vision impaired the ability to obtain a college degree.(History, 2019) Columbia opened the door for those who were thought to be unable to be educated the ability to receive a higher degree. History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Beattie v. Board of Education
Students with facial abnormalities or drooling were being expelled from school due it making other students to feel ill. (History, 2019) This is the first law to where looking "different" became a crime, but set the stage for future cases to prove this unfair. History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Council for Exceptional Children
The council for exception children is founded and becomes the first advocacy group for children of special needs.It is one of the largest advocacy groups and makes FAPE their main mission. (History, 2019) This is the beginning of one of the largest advocacy groups in the United States and is still active today in society. History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Bradly Home
The first home which was psychiatric hospital which allowed handicapped children.It was located in Providence, Rhode Island. (History, 2019) This is became a safe haven at times for children, and also a place where parents who could not handle their handicapped children could place them, and often times "hide them" from society. History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Brown v. Board of Education
A case in which overturned Plessy v Ferguson stating that "Separate is not equal". This case is often associated with black v white, however it opened many doors for many groups to form to advocate for the handicapped. (History, 2019) A landmark case for all of the nation who were deemed different, this shaped the future of America for everyone. History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The act provided grants to state schools and institutions to help educate students with handicaps. (History, 2019) This started the first program where students who needed extra help could receive that and be able to get an education like their friends, and family. History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Section 504
Section 504 of the rehabilitation act protects students with disabilities and special needs from being discriminated against. Labeled the first of its kind, started the ground work for FAPE, and LRE. (History, 2019)
Started the process of students having accommodations, not being excluded and made it law for them to be included and treated like everyone else.
History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
Least Restrictive Environment
This provides the students with the ability with the assist of their IEP means they can attend as many general education classes as possible. Paraeducators and aides are available as needed. This was an important step following the 504 as it helped students feel included, yet offered the additional help as needed, without feeling singled out. -
Americans with American Disabilities Act
The ADA act promises all persons with special needs is treated equally and fairly. Having the same rights for work and school and not being discriminated against. (History,2019)
Law helped everyone from those born with disabilities to those who were injured unexpectedly. Helped them still be able to feel as a member of society no matter differences.
History of Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved June 2, 2019, from https://www.preceden.com/timelines/326448-history-of-special-education -
The Individuals with Disabilities Act was signed into law by George W Bush and included all six of the main supports for students with disabilities; FAPE, LRE, IEP, evaluations, parents/student participation, and all procedural safeguards. Allows students to obtain an education, rights to job skills, and work together as a team to ensure the best interest of the students is the priority.