Special Education

  • Beginning of special education Jean-Mac

  • State Funds ward for insane

  • 1st School for Deafness, American Asylum for the Education of Deaf and Dumb

  • 1st School for Visual Problems. New England Asylum for the Blind.

  • First University for the deaf is founded

  • Congress passes legislation to promote educational programs for the students who are blind

  • Hellen Keller writes autobiography "The story of My Life"

  • Leta Hollingworth coins the term gifted.

  • Samuel Orton, a neurologist describes dyslexia.

  • National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped is established

  • Two significant supreme court cases [PARC v. Pennsylvania and Mills v. D.C. Board of Ed. apply equal protection argument to students with disabilities.

  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, federal law

  • The Family Education Right and Privacy Act

  • IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Act, original passage created

  • The American Association of Mental Retardation begins (AAMR)

  • IDEA- reauthorization provided incentives for serving preschool children.

  • IDEA- reauthorization mandated services for children with disabilities ages 3-5.

  • Autism given a separate disability category under IDEA.

  • IDEA- replaces the word "handicap" with "disability"

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) federal law

  • "The Handmade Alphabet" by: Laura Rankin, Dial

  • "Freak the Mighty" by: Rodmon Philbrick, Scholastic

  • IDEA- Reauthorization of students with disabilities having access to the general curriculum was first included.

  • "My Brother Sammy" by: Becky Edwards and David Armitage, Mellbrook

  • "The ADDed Tough" by: Roby Watson, silver star

  • No Child Left Behind is enacted

  • IDEA- More accountability at State/Local levels.