Special Ed history timeline

  • NC State University is founded

    North Carolina State University is founded as a land-grant college. At the time, it was only open to white students.
  • Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka

    In the Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka case, it was ruled unconstitutional for schools to segregate students based on race. This ruling later played an important role in the fight for special education.
  • Doctor Who airs

    The science fiction TV show, Doctor Who, is first aired on BBC. It was ended in 1989 but was later rebooted in 2005.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was made into law as an element in the "War on Poverty." This law called for equal education for students and federal funding for those who are disadvantaged by poverty.
  • Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band was released

    Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club, an album by the Beatles, is released. Having sold over 32 million copies, it is considered as the best rock music album ever.
  • The Moon Landing

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first human beings to walk on the moon. This was six years before students with disabilities were given the opportunity for a public education.
  • PARC V. Penn

    The Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children V. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania case called for the evaluation and placement of students with disabilities into publicly funded schools that were able to meet their educational needs. The U.S. District Court ruled in favor of students with intellectual or learning disabilities.
  • Congressional Investigation

    An investigation was launched by the Congress to gather information on the status of Children with disabilities. The Congress discovered that millions of children did not receive a suitable education.
  • Mills V. Board of Education

    In the Mills V. Board of Education of District of Columbia case, it was ruled that students with disabilities cannot be denied an education due to additional costs to the school to provide accommodations. This meant the implementation of federal legislation that protected the right to free public education for disabled children.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Congress enacted The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA), also known as Public Law 94-142. This law ensured that children with disabilities were given an education and due process of law. It not only protects the rights of those children, but their parents as well.
  • Invention of the World Wide Web

    Tim Berners-Lee creates the World Wide Web (WWW). This allowed for easier distribution of information, communication, and entertainment.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was revised and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA), also known as public Law 102-119. The revision added autism and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) as their own disability categories. It also enforced the need for a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) helps them adapt to life outside of school.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    IDEA was revised through Public Law 108-446 to become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. This revision raised the criteria for those teaching special education classes, required early intervention for students, and improved educational outcomes.