Spec Educ in Regular Classroom Timeline Project: Richard Wagner, Laure Hooper, and Don Melville
By Rbwagner1986
Supreme court allowed for forced sterilization of mentally disabled people, overturned in 1942.
Source Article: Right to Self-Determination: Freedom from Involuntary Sterilization Part of the Eugenics Movement meant to “cleansing the human gene pool of negative or less desirable traits found in “less desirable” people, particularly those with developmental disabilities, mental illness or those who were considered ‘immoral’ or had criminal histories.” -
Dr. Howard Rusk opens the Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
<ahref='http://shs.umsystem.edu/historicmissourians/name/r/rusk/index.html' >Info Source: Dr. Howard Rusk “Father of Rehabilitative Medicine” </a> Dr. Howard Rusk opened the Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine which emphasized a medical practice and approach to educating and rehabilitating people with disabilities to function outside of the hindrances of their condition and introduced the precursors to modern assistive technology. -
Brown v. Board of Education
<ahref='http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_brown.html' >Source Info: Brown v. Board of Education (1954)</a> The U.S. Supreme court determined that students were entitled to a free and appropriate education in all schools despite differences in cultural background and ethnicity, deeming the term of a separate but equal education as unconstitutional which in turn provided the foundational opportunity to apply that same philosophy to the education of students with physical and mental disabilities. -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Source Info: PARC v. Pennsylvania, 334 F.Supp. 1257 (E.D. PA 1972) It was determined that students with disabilities had the right to a free and appropriate education (FAPE), it was the State’s responsibility to provide the opportunity for disabled students to be made aware of and educational accommodations set in place for them to receive a suitable education, and that a disabled student’s course of education be unique to and not hindered by their disability. -
Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia
Source Info: Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia This suit revolved around funding for special needs programs. Among other things, this suit resulted in “increased funding for special education programs and teachers.” -
Geraldo Rivera’s 1972 Investigative Report on Willowbrook State School
Source Info: The horrifying truth uncovered: Willowbrook State School Geraldo Rivera’s expose on the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York, gave the nation recorded evidence of the grave mistreatment and neglect of the residents, not to the mention poor and unsanitary living conditions, as well as the need to protect the natural rights of individuals with disabilities. -
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
<ahref='http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/civilrights/resources/factsheets/504.pdf' >Source Info: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 0f 1973</a> Section 504 is designed to eliminate discrimination against individuals with mental or physical handicaps. Section 504 “defines the rights of individuals with disabilities to participate in, and have access to, program benefits and services." -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142)
Source Info: Education for All Handicapped Children Act All schools receiving public funding would be required to educate students with mental and physical disabilities. Students would also receive one free meal a day. Districts were also required to have an, “official division in place to administer complaints made by parents of students with disabilities.” -
The White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals
Source Info: Disability Rights Movement The White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals allowed 3,000 disabled individuals to speak with the President Jim Carter and members of Congress about the injustices being placed upon them due to the lack of federal/legislative support toward their civil rights and the ensuing conversations provided the foundational basis for the resulting disability rights organization. -
Department of Education State of Hawaii v. Katherine
<ahref='http://www.leagle.com/decision/19821048531FSupp517_1941.xml/DEPT.%20OF%20ED.,%20STATE%20OF%20HAWAII%20v.%20KATHERINE%20D.' >Source Info: Department of Education State of Hawaii v. Katherine</a> The Court of Appeals stated that students with severe medical needs were required to have those needs accommodated for by the school district so that the student could attend school and that the homebound educational program was not a least restrictive environment option. -
Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
Source Info: Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley The Supreme Court found that students were to receive an individualized education in which their disabilities were considered and addressed in the pursuit of a suitable education. -
Abrahamson v. Hershman
Source Info: 701 F. 2d 223 - Abrahamson v. Hershman The court dictated that in the event that residential placement is required for a student to receive a fair and adequate education that reflects the educational needs outlined in their IEP then the school district is responsible for providing it. -
Irving Indep. School District vs. Tatro
Source Info: Irving Independent School District v. Tatro The U.S. Supreme Court stated that under EAHCA, currently IDEA, that the school district must provide medical and health services necessary in order for a student with disabilites to remain present in a special education program, which further enforced that the school system is responsible for making accommodations suitable in the learning enviroment -
Timothy W. v. Rochester School District
Source Info: Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District The ruling of the courts established that every school district must provide a free and appropriate education for every student, despite the severity of their handicap and the question of whether they will benefit from it or not. -
Source Info: IDEA This was a reauthorization of EAHCA adding that students would be included in state and local assessments. It also introduced and framed the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) as a mandatory placement for students with disabilities. IDEA also expanded the IEP team to include regular education teachers. -
When Billy Broke His Head... and Other Tales of Wonder
Source info: WHEN BILLY BROKE HIS HEAD...AND OTHER TALES OF WONDER PBS (Public Broadcasting Station) airs the independent film "When Billy Broke His Head and Other Tales of Wonder" which provides a first person perspective of the then current conditions of disabled civil rights and the prospect of living with a disability resulting from an accident. -
IDEA reauthorized as IDEIA or IDEA2004
Source Info: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 - IDEA
Points of Importance:
• Streamlined paperwork and some procedures
• Specified that all students with disabilities must participate in all assessments conducted by the local school districts with needed supports
• Sped teachers must be highly qualified if they teach core academic content
• School districts permitted to use some of the funds allotted to special education to design strategies for prevention
• Development of RTI -
Forest Grove v. T.D.
<ahref='http://www.wrightslaw.com/law/art/forestgrove.ta.analysis.htm' >Source Info: Forest Grove v. T.D.</a> The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the student’s parents reserve the right to relocate their child to a private school in the event that the public school system has failed to provide the student with an individualized education plan concerning their unique disabilities during the course of their education, violating IDEA, and that the school district is responsible for reimbursing the cost attendance for the student to the parents.