Jan 1, 1529
Francisco Pizzaro Makes first contact
Francisco Pizzaro was a spanish conquistador. He Made first contact with the Inca Empire at the city of Tumbes in Peru. His expidition later conquered the native people. -
Jan 1, 1529
The Inca Civil War
The Inca Cival war was also known as the "War of the Two Brothers." The two brothers, Huascar and Atahualpa, were the sons of the former leader Huayna Capac. There was much dispute between the two brothers which started a war that lasted until 1532. -
Jan 1, 1536
Spanish in Buenos Aires
The Spanish first attemted to settle in Buenos Aires in 1536. Pedro de Mendoza, followed by 16 ships landed in Buenos Aires on this date and made a villiage called "Port Our Lady Saint Mary of the Good Wind." When the spanish landed it was not the proper time to plant crops, so they relied on the native "Querandi" to help them survive, much like the pilgrims. -
War Of the Spanish Succession
This was a war over the power of the spanish thrown. It was fought between many European powers. there was a fear of the possibilty of for a unified Kingdoms of Spain. By the end of the war Spain came out to be a unified, powerfull, Chatholic Monarch. -
Battle of Cartagena de Indias
The British had the main goal of capturing the 4 ports that spain had in the Caribbean Basin, becuase this was the only way spain could access South America. Though the British attacked with 51 major ships and 150 transport vessles, Spain was able to hold them off. this was an embarrasing defeat for the British -
Peninsular War
Mainly taking place in the Iberian Peninsula, this war lasted until 1814 when Napoleons army was defeated. Spanish administration was fragmented, and there after Spain found it hard to train or recruit and effective army. -
Indpendance of Argentina
On May 25th, 1810 Argentina started their own government aside fromt he spanish government. This war showed the power of the native people in all counries colonized by spain, and lead the way to more uprise. -
Peruvian Indipendance
The proclamation for the freedom of Peru was written by Jose de San Martin. This proclamation gave the army of Peru to fight against Imperialists.