Period: to
The Iberians arrived in Spain in the Neolithic period with their arrival being dated from as early as the fifth millennium BC to the third millennium BC. They absorbed cultural influences from Phoenicians and Greeks. Dama de Elche is one of the most famous sculptures from the Iberians, that reflects the image of beauty. The Iberians also had great knowledge of specialized labor . Los Iberos llegan en la Iberos península en siete BC. Ellos hablan no-Indo-European lenguaje. -
Roma rompe España en dos. El arte esta muy dificil y bonita. The Romans arrived in Spain in 219 BC as a military force determined to defeat their enemies, the Carthaginians. The arrival of the Visigoths brought about a profound decline in building techniques which was paralleled in the rest of the former Empire. A variety of Etruscan art was commissioned by Etruscan kings for their tombes. Murals, sculptures and metalwork were among the art pieces. -
La arquitectura a la duración está excelente, y hace de piedra. El edificio está corto y grande. The Goths were among the Germanic peoples who disturbed the late Roman Empire during the Migration Period. The art produced during this period is largely the result of local Roman traditions combined with Byzantine influences. Buildings of the 7th century, such as San Juan Bautista, Baños de Cerrato (661), were most often basilican in plan. -
Visigoths cont...
The Gothic invasion of France, Italy and Spain was facilitated by the enfeebled state of the Roman Empire. -
Period: to
Los Moros
Allí es no mucho influence de arte en España desde los Moros. Ellos presentar a naranjas, limones, melocotones, y azucar. These foods remain part of Spain's culture today. The Great Mosque of Córdoba is still one of the architectural wonders of the world. Its gold roof, supported by 1,000 columns of marble and jasper is lit by thousands of brass and silver lamps which burn perfumed oils. The Moors expanded and improved Roman irrigation systems to help develop a strong agricultural sector. -
La Reconquista
Toledo es European en diseño. La arquitectura hizo por la Moros. The Nasrid palaces date to Granada’s fourteenth-century splendour as independent sultanate. Toledo is decorated with the interlacing arches typical of Moorish architecture. The Reconquista is the name given to a long series of wars and battles between the Christian Kingdoms and the Muslim Moors for control of the Iberian Peninsula. It lasted for a good portion of the Middle Ages from 718 to 1492. -
El Imperio Espanol
El Escorial está construido en 1563. Miguel de Cervantes es muy importante a la Imperio Espanol. El Greco , a painter in Spain, lived and studied in Italy around 1568 to 1577. He eventually settled in Toledo bringing the Italian Renaissance to Spain. El Escorial was the beginning of what has come to be a style known as Herrerism.Miguel de Cervantes and Lope de Vega are the two men arguably most responsible for vaulting Spanish literature into the upper stratosphere. -
La Armada
En 21 julio, el barco inglés fuimos a Plymouth. El barcos inglés incluir 11 barcos y uno barco llama Revenge, y un barco llama Ark Royal. There was a set of six paintings based off of 10 tapestries portraying the English victory in 1588. The English Channel, the North Sea and areas around the North and West of Scotland was where the fighting took place. The Spanish Armada’s task was to overthrow protestant England lead by Queen Elizabeth I. -
La Armada cont...
The Spanish Armada literally means “Great and Most Fortunate Navy”, and was a Spanish fleet of f130 ships under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia. -
La inquisicion
La auto-de-fe es muy importante pintura a la Inquisición. Ferdinand y Isabella empezaron la Inquisición. Artistic paintings of the auto-da-fé usually depict torture and burning at the stake. Freedom of religion did not exist in Spain or its territories, so in practice the Inquisition had control over all royal subjects. It was not definitively abolished until 1834, during the reign of Isabella II. Ferdinand and Isabella issued an edict on March 31 1492, giving jews the choice of baptism or exile -
La Guerra Civil cont...
General Francisco Franco broadcasted a message from the Canary Islands calling all army officers to join the uprising. -
La Guerra Civil
La Guerra Civil empezar en 18 julio 1936. Gente celebró hombres y mujeres de valentia. Paintings, sculpture, photography and film described the massacre of the civilian population and destruction. Before the Civil War, late Cubism, abstract and Surrealist art coexisted with 1930’s social realism. The Spanish Civil War began as a revolt by right-wing Spanish military officers in Spanish Morocco and spread to mainland Spain. -
Modern Spain
Rafael Nadal es desde Mallorca España, y su cumpleanos es tres de junio. Málaga es la casa de Pablo Picasso. Spanish architecture is defined by quality and beauty. The house in Marbella by A-Creo, and the Hemeroscopium House in Las Rozas, Madrid are more traditional and beautiful. In Málaga, Spain, they are putting in two new museums, the Pompidou Center from Paris and the State Russian Museum from Saint Petersburg. This is projected to bring in 250,000 people. -
Works Cited cont...
"Exploring the Architecture of Southern Spain: Transformation and Imposition in the
Reconquista." Spain. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2015.
Even, Lesson 2 –. Lesson 2 – Events THE ARMADA PAINTINGS, ANTHONY OAKSHETT (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
"Rafael Nadal - Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 09 Sept. 2015. -
Works Cited
"Iberians." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2015.
"The Spanish Armada : Sir Francis Drake." The Spanish Armada : Sir Francis Drake. N.p., n.d. Web. 08
Sept. 2015.
"Spanish Inquisition | Spanish History [1478-1834]." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia
Britannica, n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2015.
"The Spanish Armada - History Learning Site." History Learning Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2015.