Spanish American War Timeline

  • The DeLome Lettert

    The DeLome Lettert
    Written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome, the Spanish ambassador to the US. The statements made in the letter helped fuel the American aggression for war on Spai n.
  • Sinking of the USS Maine

    Sinking of the USS Maine
    The USS Maine was a battleship sent to Cuba but on Feb 15 1898 it mysteriously exploded, eventually leading the US to declare war on Cuba
  • US Declares WAr on Spain

    US Declares WAr on Spain
    President McKinley on April 21 asked the congress to declare war on Spain, congress agreed to declare war on Spain on April 25. The War lasted only 3 months and was very successful for the US.
  • Attack on Manila Bay

    Attack on Manila Bay
    The battle took place in the Philippines and was the first major battle of the Spanish American War. US won the naval battle and ended the Spanish colony in the Philippines
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    The battle of San Juan Hill was a decisive battle in the Spanish American War. Roosevelt lead the rough riders to victory making him an American Hero
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was an agreement between US and Spain, where Spain had to give up control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, parts of West Indies, and Philippines to the US. It maked the end of the Spanish Empire and marked the beginning of the US as a world power