Spanish American War Timeline (Jacob White, Nate Sipress, Carter Skjeie, Amate Cooper)

By Jacob2
  • The United States attempts to purchase Cuba

    The United States attempts to purchase Cuba
    In 1854 The US made an offer to purchase Cuba from Spain, in response Spain declared that they'd rather sink it than sell it. See at this time Spain's once-great colonial reach had dwindled considerably leaving Cuba as its near-lone standing Caribbean jewel. Cuba for Spain was also quite profitable with its prosperous sugar plantations and given their very limited reach on territory outside of their home country other than Cuba, made it a splendid little territory for Spain.
  • Period: to

    Cuba's First War for Independence

    The first Cuban war for independence lasted for ten years, and though unsuccessful, would not douse the Cuban's desire for independence. Instead further insighting more people to fight for a free country. One such lad was the Cuban-Washington Jose Marti.
  • Jose Marti Led Cuba's Second War for Independence

    Jose Marti Led Cuba's Second War for Independence
    On February 24th, 1895, a new revolutionary force led by Jose Marti would fight for the second time in a Millenium for Cuban independence. In the months leading up to the event, Jose Marti would tour America visiting Cuban communities sparking up sympathy and battle-drive. Later when the second war had started, Marti in a play to involve America would target sugar plantations. This was in an attempt to drum up trouble, that would hopefully draw out the ire of America's brass bringing us to Cuba.
  • Valeriano Weyler was sent to Cuba by Spain

    Valeriano Weyler was sent to Cuba by Spain
    General Valeriano Weyler was a Spanish General sent by Spain to Cuba, with the intention of having him put down the Cuban army for Independece. Weyler would imprison thousands of cubans in concentration camps to keep them from aiding the amry. Hundreds of thousands would die there of hunger and sickness. When Americans caught wind of this, Weyler became their personification of the enemy. Weyler was Spain, and Americans hated Spain.
  • The Yellow Press began to shape American public opinion with respect to Cuba’s civil war

    The Yellow Press began to shape American public opinion with respect to Cuba’s civil war
    News got out and reporters on the situation used tactics that would get people to buy their newsletters, not necessarily lying but fluffing up the situation for bigger headlines. This caused Americans to sympathize with the Cubans. A big proponent of the 'yellow press', was William Randolph Hearst who was really the one who figured out how to weaponize news for explosive success, even if a bit of embellishment was necessary.
  • Publication of the De Lome Letter

    Publication of the De Lome Letter
    On February 9th, 1898, Spanish Ambassador Señor Don Enrique Dupuy de Lôme sent a letter to a friend touching on his thoughts on the war and President McKinley. This letter was intercepted by rebels sometime after being sent and was brought into the states. It was there that William Randolph Hearst would jump on the opportunity to publish the letter ASAP for the American people. People who were then incensed at the outrageous things said about their president, pushing the War cause for Americans.
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS Maine
    The USS Maine was an American ship docked in Cuba carrying some 400 American sailors. On February 14, 1898, 400 American sailors went to sleep for the night, 260 of them for the last time. Then on February 15, 1898, the USS Maine explodes killing an estimated 260 men. America was outraged at the Spaniard's crime, and though the actual details for the attack were fuzzy in origin, this would prove the final straw. Following the travesty of the Maine, America would join the war.
  • U.S. declares war on Spain

    U.S. declares war on Spain
    The public of the United States wanted war. On April 11, 1898, President McKinley spoke to Congress about using force against Spain. After about a week of debate, Congress agreed. On April 20t, the United States declared war on Spain.
  • Naval Blockade of Cuba

    Naval Blockade of Cuba
    After the United States entered the Caribbean, they set up a blockade in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, blocking the Spanish fleet in.
  • U.S. Attack on Manila Bay

    U.S. Attack on Manila Bay
    The United States entered the Philippines on April 30, 1898. The next morning, they started an attack on the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay. Afterwhich, the United States was successfully able to land in the Philippines.
  • U.S. invades Cuba

    U.S. invades Cuba
    In June of 1898, the troops of the United States set off to Santiago after invading Cuba. The troops consisted of four African-American regiments and the Rough Riders.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    The first part of the battle of San Juan Hill was located nearby Kettle Hill. The Rough Riders, Ninth Cavalry, and Tenth Cavalry led an uphill charge against the Spanish. Afterwhich, they led an infantry attack located on San Juan Hill.
  • Destruction of the Spanish fleet in Cuba

    Destruction of the Spanish fleet in Cuba
    Just two days after the Battle of San Juan Hill, the Spanish fleet attempted to escape the naval blockade in Santiago set up by the United States. The Spaniard's fleet was subsequently destroyed.
  • Capture of Puerto Rico

    Capture of Puerto Rico
    On July 25, 1898, American troops were sent to Peurto Rico after they destroyed the Spanish fleet in Santiago.
  • Armistice is signed between the U.S. and Spain

    Armistice is signed between the U.S. and Spain
    On August 12, 1898, a cease-fire is signed between the United States and Spain. Concluding 15 weeks of battle.
  • Treaty of Paris 1898

    Treaty of Paris 1898
    On December 10, 1898, Spain and the United States gather in Paris for a peace meeting. In the talks, Spain agrees to give independence to Cuba, give the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States and generally agrees to back off.
  • Spanish Surrender the Philippines

    Spanish Surrender the Philippines
    During the peace meeting for the Treaty of Paris, Spain agrees to sell the Philippines to the United States for a total of $20 million. Spain would also grant possession of Puerta Rico and Guam to the US.