
Spanish American War

  • Period: to

    Cuban Struggle for independence

    One origin for the Cuban war was the struggle for independence Cuba had from Spain. Spain notably didn't give much help to the Cubans and many died from the lack of support from Spain.
  • President McKinley gets sworn into office

    President McKinley gets sworn into office
    McKinley is the 25th president of the United States
  • Sinking of Battleship Maine

    Sinking of Battleship Maine
    February 15th 1898 A battleship USS Maine explodes in Havana Harbor killing 266 men. this ship was sent to protect U.S interests in Cuba. after investigation U.S concluded that the explosion was caused by the detonation.
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    United States declares war on Spain following the Sinking of USS Maine.
  • First Major Battle

    First Major Battle
    U.S. Commodore Dewey and his Asiatic squadron defeat the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay in the Philippines.
  • Rough Riders Set Off

    Rough Riders Set Off
    1060 Rough Riders and 1258 Of their horses made their was to the Southern Pacific railroad where they would set off to cuba.
  • U.S troops land in Cuba

    U.S troops land in Cuba
    First U.S troops land on a wooden pier in Daiquiri, Cuba
    All recorded on camera. they were not opposed by Spanish troops on landing.
  • Battle of Santiago

    Battle of Santiago
    US Forces assault San Juan Ridge and Capture its highest point, San Juan Hill.
  • Surrender at Santiago

    Surrender at Santiago
    Spain Surrenders to the U.S at Santiago.
  • Period: to

    U.S Troops occupy Manila

    about 11000 U.S troops occupy Manila
  • Protocol of Peace

    Protocol of Peace
    U.S and Spain sign the protocol of peace ending hostilities for both sides but not yet fully ending the war
  • Period: to

    Peace talks

    Spain and U.S talk peace and McKinley demands that Spain must give up the Philippines and Cuba.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is signed my both sides officially ending the Spanish-American war
  • Ratification of The Treaty of Paris

    Ratification of The Treaty of Paris
    Under the new Treaty U.S has control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.