Spain Timeline

  • Feb 4, 1448

    Spanish Exploration

    Spanish Exploration
    The Spanish Exploration was when Christopher Columbus to go to the "New Americas". They were sponsered by the king and queen of Spain. They took three ships called the Santa Maria, the Nina, and the Pinta.
  • Feb 4, 1469

    Fernanda and Isabella Marry

    Fernanda and Isabella Marry
    Fernanda of Aragon and Isabella of Castile got married in 1469 A.D.. Togethere they started the Spainish Inquisition in 1479 A.D.. They sponsored Christopher Colombus.
  • Feb 6, 1494

    Tready of Tordesillas

    Tready of Tordesillas
    The tready of Tordesillas is signed. Protugal and Spain sign it for reign over South America.Spain gets rule over everything except Brasil.
  • The Spanish Armada Sinks

    The Spanish Armada Sinks
    The Spanish Armada Sinks when tensions are high between Spain and England fight between who controls the seas. They sent out a 100 ships to go out into the waters around England. The Brittish Navy eventually defeated the Spanish Armanda.
  • Don Quixote

    Don Quixote
  • The War of Independance

    The War of Independance
    The War of Independance of took place from 1808 to about 1814 A.D.. It is also known as the Peninsular War. It occurs after Napolenon tries to invade Spain.
  • A loss of coloney's

    A loss of coloney's
    The loss of coloney's was from 1810 to 1898. In 1898 after the Spanish American War, Spain losses Guam, Puerto Rico, The Phillipeens and Cuba
  • Republic of Spain

    Republic of Spain
  • Spainsh Civil War

    Spainsh Civil War
    The Spansh Civil War started in 1936. The war started because the front runner of an election wins and then the military lead by General Francisco Franco. The war lasted for three years and then Franco declared the war over on April 1, 1939.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    Spain declared itself neutral in World War 2. Franco made 40,000 soliders ready for Hitler's use. Spain kept sending amuntion to Hitler until the USA threatened Spains oil supplies, and then hitler started losing,
  • Franco's dictatorship

    Franco's dictatorship
    Franco delcares himself dictator after the Spainsh Civil war. When Franco becomes dictator and the people had very little people freedom. Franco's dictatorship ended when he died in 1975.
  • The Summer Oylmpic Games

    The Summer Oylmpic Games
    The Summer Olympics in 1992 was held in Barcelona,Spain.
  • New Curancy

    New Curancy
    Spain switched to the Euro
  • The Terrorist Attacks

    The Terrorist Attacks
    In 2004 Spain had a Terrorist Attack in Madrid.There were 10 bombs hidden in Backpcks, gymbags, and suit cases. The bombing was on a Trian and killed 191 people and injured 1,800.
  • Major Plane Crash

    Major Plane Crash