2000 BCE
Neolithic- Megalithic cultures of Los Millares(Almería) and Menorca.
Neolithic man becomes sedentary, learns to polish stone, builds houses and they became farmers and ranchers. -
2000 BCE
First Iberian settlements in the south of Spain
1110 BCE
The Phoenicians found Gadi
Nowdays, Gadi is known as Cádiz. -
500 BCE
The Carthaginians conquer the Mediterranean coast
218 BCE
II Punic War. The peninsula becomes a battlefield between Romans and Carthaginians
When it finished, Roma conquered the peninsula as they knew how much of minerals were. -
Trip of the Apostle Paul to Hispania, thus beginning the spread of Christianity in the peninsula
Spain invasion by Franks and Suevi
Recaredo, Leovigildo's heir, converts to Catholicism and will make this religion official two years later.
Muslim troops cross the Strait of Gibraltar and defeat the Visigoth king Don Rodrigo at the Battle of Guadalete
Visigoths did not defend their own places -
Abderramán I breaks with Damascus, giving rise to the Emirate of Córdoba
Abderramán III creates the Caliphate of Córdoba, and with it Al-Andalus will reach its maximum splendor
Appearance of Taifa kingdoms
It made them weaker -
The Christians achieve an important victory against the Almohads in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
Joint Kingdom of Castile and Aragon
Jan 2, 1492
The Catholic Monarchs complete the Reconquest with the taking of Granada
Oct 12, 1492
Discovery of America
It was discovered by Cristobal Colón -
Fernando II annexes Navarra to the Kingdom of Castile
Carlos I is crowned Emperor of the Holy Empire
It involves Spain in endless wars -
Don Quijote de la Mancha publication
With the death of Charles II, the Habsburg dynasty ended and the War of the Spanish Succession broke out, in which France, England and Austria were involved.
Salic Law promulgation
Fernando VI
It was also called the prudent -
Carlos III
It was also called "the politician" -
Jesuitas was ejected from Spain
Carlos IV
He is also known as "the hunter" -
Mutiny of Aranjuez deposes Carlos IV
Fernando VII is declarated king
Napoleon gets Carlos IV and Fernando VII to abdicate in favor of José Bonaparte
Popular uprising in Madrid begins the War of Independence
First Spanish constitution
Return of Fernando VII of France: annuls the Constitution and establishes an absolutist government
Liberal Triennium
Fernando VII abolishes the Salic law
Regency of María Cristina
First Carlist War (Don Carlos de Borbón vs. Isabel II)
It was the first civil war -
Second Carlist War
It was due to the failure to marry Isabel II with Carlos Luis de Borbón -
Third Carlist War
Proclamation of the First Republic
Restauration of the Bourbon Monarchy with Alfonso XII [son of Isabel II]
Foundation of the General Union of Workers (UGT) and the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)
New electoral law restores universal suffrage
Anarchist attacks
Loss of the last imperialist colonies. Paris treaty
Sundays rest for workers is decreed
World War I [neutrality of Spain]
Military coup of Primo de Rivera
April 12 the Second Republic is declared
Foundation of the Spanish Falange by José Antonio Primo de Rivera
Uprising of General Francisco Franco
Execution of José Antonio Primo de Rivera. Lorca and Maeztu was killed.
Government of General Franco
End of the Civil War
End of World War II
The Succession Law confirms Spain as a monarchy, after the death of Franco
Entry of Spain into the ONU
SEAT's first factory
Death of Francisco Franco
Juan Carlos I, king of Spain
Adolfo Suárez appointed president of the government by the king
New constitution
Coup attempt by members of the Civil Guard commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Tejero
The PSOE [SPANISH OBERO SOCIALIST PARTY] wins in general elections, with Felipe González as head of government
Absolute majority for the PP in the legislative elections
The Euro enters into force as the single European currency
(11-M) Terrorist attack in Madrid causes 200 victims and more than 1800 injured. The government initially blames the terrorist group ETA, but later it is proven that it is the work of Al-Qaeda