Spain in 19TH century ( unit 4) imperialism; war and revolution. (unit 5) the interwar world (unit 6)

  • Period: to

    Charles IV of Spain

    king of Spain
  • Period: to

    Ferdinand VII

    twice king of Spain
  • independence of the spanish-american colonies

    (1808-1815) assemblies
    (1816-1824) movement of countries
  • war of independence (1808-1914)

    1808 sublevation in Madrid
    1809 end of Zaragoza
    1810 french conquest of Andalucía
    1811 french conquest of Tarragona
    1812 Ciudad Rodrigo´s battle
    1813 Vitoria´s battle
    1814 french´s withdrawal of Spain
  • Cádiz courts

    Cadiz´s constitution
  • Fernando´s VII reign

    (1814- 1820) absolutist six years
    (1820-1823) liberal triennium
    (1823-1833) end of absolutism
  • Period: to


    ex.president of the gobernment
  • The great colonial empires

    united states
  • Period: to

    Isabella II

    queen of Spain
  • Isabel II and the building of liberal state

    (1833-1844) triumph of imperialism
    (1844-1854) moderate decade
  • industrial revolution in Spain

    The predominance of agriculture
    The delay of the industrial revolution
    Industries, rail and finance
  • Period: to

    Amadeo I

    king of Spain
  • Period: to

    Thomas Woodrow Wilson

    Twenty-eighth President of the United States
    19th - 20th century
  • Period: to

    Jean Jaures

    Was a French socialist politician of the contemporary age
    He was assassinated three days after the beginning of the First World War
  • The great powers in the second half of the 19th century

    Liberalism and authoritarianism in europe.
    The Russian autocracy.
    United States, the birth of a new power.
    Meiji Japan.
  • democratic six years

    End of isabel's reign
    Revolution of 1868
    Monarchy of amadeo I
    The first republic
  • Period: to

    zar Nicolas II

    ex emperator of Rusia
    he goberned from the 1894 to 1917
  • social transformations

    demografic increase and emigration
    class society
    The origins of the labor movement
  • imperialism factors

  • Period: to


    revolutionary and politician
  • restoration

    The return of the Bourbons
    The pillars of the restoration
  • Period: to


    dictator and president of the minister council
  • Period: to

    Franklin D. Roosvelt

    politician and lawyer of the united states
  • Period: to

    John Maynard Keynes

    britanic economist
  • The colonial adiminstracion and its effects

    Economic exploitation
    Forms of domain
    Social effects
  • The origin of the first world war

    Alliances and armed peace
    The pre-crisis
    The crisis of 1914
  • the origins of the rusian revolution

    revolution of 1905
  • the development of the war

    The war of positions
    The decisive year
    End of the war
  • the revolutions of 1917 and the civil war in rusia

  • the consequences of the first world war

    Large population losses
    The peace of paris
    Territorial changes
    Other consequences of the war
  • The formation of the USSR

    The new economic policy
    The USSR a new state
    The USSR and internationalism
  • The fragile recovery of the twenties

    Unequal economic growth
    The happy twenties in the united states
    International politics
  • The stalin dictatorship

    The ascent of Stalin
    A totalitarian dictatorship
    A planned economy
    Agricultural collectivization
    Industrial development
  • The great depression of the thirties

    The origin of the crisis of 29
    The great depression and its diffusion
    Measures against the crisis