SPAIN ( 1975- 2021)

  • Law of political responsabilities

    This was directed against those who had supported the Republicans during thw civil war, the punished with: confiscation of properties, disqualification from holding public office etc...
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    First Decades

    Franco established an authoritarian regime by introducing the Fundamental Laws of Realm: this was a set of laws dictated by Franco, which regulated political life, as well as economic and labour relations, this replaced the Republican constitution.
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    Francoist Spain

    Authoritharian Regime imposed by General Francisco, started with the end of the civil war and ended with his death
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    Economic self-sufficiency

    During 40s and 50 s Spain's economy was self-sufficient, due to the food shortages, the state intervened in the economy, introducing the rationing of basic goods and fixing prices and other measures such as: the creation of the INI, and the creation of new monopolies, this caused the stagnate of the Spanish economy
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    International Insolation

    the victorius Allied powers, including USA and Great Britain , blocked Spain because his involment with the German Nazi, also was blocked in the UN and also was excluded of Marshall's Plan
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    International Integration

    The Western-Bloc countries became more favourable towards the regime, this was because of the Cold War, they appreciated Franco anti-communist and also recognised Spain's strategic geographical position
  • Concordat

    Spain signed the concordat with the Vatican, in which the regime granted the Catholic church a range of priviledges in return for church support for the regimeand the right to nominatecandidatesti became bishops
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    Later Decades

    it became more technocratic, the regime's objective was to modernise Spain, before his death Franco designated Juan Carlos de Borbón as his succesor.
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    Economic development

    They started because Spain became more technocratic, this promote the development of marketand increase of production, and other reasons such as: the foreign currency and the foreign investment ( especially American ones)
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    This waas a terrorist group called for Basque independence, it had murdered 829 people
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    Adolfo Suarez

    I Duke of Suárez and great of Spain, was a Spanish politician and lawyer, president of the Government of Spain between 1976 and 1981.
    he received a law degree from the University of Salamanca and did his doctorate studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. He held various public positions during the Franco dictatorship:
    He was appointed Prime Minister by King Juan Carlos I in 1976. As Prime Minister, Suárez was one of the key figures of the Spanish Transition,
  • Juan Carlos I

    Juan Carlos de Borbón was proclaimed by the Francoist Cortes
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    The Transition

    The Transtion was a period that started with the death of Franco 1975, Juan Carlos de Borbón was proclimed King of Spain , the disctatorship was dismantled and replaced a democratic.
  • Political Reforms

    This law called an elections with universal suffrage and the secret ballot, a referendum was held and the Franco Regime and laying th foundations for a democratic Spain
  • Amnesty Law

    this law released political detainees from prision, excluding prisioners convicted of terrorist offences
  • The first democratic general elections

    these elections were won by UCD led by Adolfo Suarez
  • Constitution of 1978

    This constitution was based on: Spain is a constitutional monarchy, the monarch is the head of state and chief of armed forces, separation of powers and this constitution included new rights .
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    In Spain has experienced the longest period of democracy in its history
  • Attempted of military coup

    A group of civil guardsbentered on the Congress of Deputies and took the deputies hostage, the coup failed becaused the monarch didn't support it
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    Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo

    He was a Civil Engineer of Roads, Canals and Ports and Spanish politician. He held the titles of Marquis of the Ría de Ribadeo and great of Spain. He was the second president of the Government of Spain since the restoration of democracy between February 1981 and December 1982, during the first legislature. During his mandate, Spain entered NATO, he also promoted the (LOAPA), which failed because it was largely declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court a year later.
  • Spain membership of various international organisation

    Such as Nato ( since 1982) and the EU ( since 1986)
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    Felipe Gonzalez

    is a Spanish lawyer and politician. He was general secretary of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) from 1974 to 1997 and third president of the Government of Spain between 1982 and 1996.
    After the PSOE obtained an absolute majority in the 1982 elections, he was invested as Prime Minister. His term of thirteen and a half years was the longest term for a democratic head of government in Spain. Under his leadership, the PSOE achieved two consecutive absolute majorities
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    Gulf War

    The Gulf War was a warlike conflict fought by a United Nations-authorized coalition force, composed of 34 countries and led by the United States, against the Iraqi Republic in response to the Iraqi invasion and annexation of the State of Kuwait.
  • International events

    This year was characterised by the World Expo in Sevilla and the 1992 Barcelona Olympics
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    Jose Maria Aznar

    is a Spanish politician, fourth president of the Government of Spain since the restoration of democracy in the VI and VII legislatures of Spain, from 1996 to 2004. He is a member of the Popular Party, of which he was president between 1990 and 2004, Aznar and the The Popular Party won the general elections of 1996, but when they did not reach an absolute majority, Aznar was appointed president of the government with the support, prior agreement, of the Catalan nationalist parties.
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    It was a war that initially confronted the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, ruled by the Taliban, and, once the latter was overthrown, its insurgency, on the one hand, and an international coalition commanded by the United States, for control of Afghan territory, and which continues as the Afghanistan War (2015-present).
  • Iraq War

    The Iraq war was a military conflict that began on Thursday, March 20, 2003 when a coalition of several countries led by the United States invaded Iraq and ended on Sunday, December 18, 2011 with the withdrawal of foreign troops.
  • Al- Qaeda

    This organisation carried out an attack in the regional rail network in Madrid, giving it the name of 11 M
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    Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

    is a Spanish politician who was the fifth president of the Government of Spain after the Transition, between 2004 and 2011. Member of the PSOE, he served as its general secretary between 2000 and 2012, During his first term, at which came after the victory of the PSOE in the 2004 general elections, the main measures of his government were the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq, the sending of troops to Afghanistan and the promotion of the Alliance of Civilizations
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    Mariano Rajoy

    is a Spanish politician from the Popular Party, between 2011 and 2018.
    He has been minister and vice president of the Government five times between 2000 and 2003. In 2003 he was proposed by Aznar as his successor to the head of the Popular Party, a position to which he was elected by the party in September of that same year. He was the leader of the parliamentary opposition during the two terms of the socialist government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
  • Abdication

    in 2014 Juan Carlos I abdicated his son Felipe VI who will be recognized as King of Spain
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    first government of Pedro Sánchez

    He was inaugurated President of the Government when the Congress of Deputies approved the motion of censure against Mariano Rajoy in the 12th legislature of Spain.1 The heads of the ministerial departments took office on June 7, 2018, on November 10 elections were held generals for the XIV legislature. The Government continued in office until January 13, 2020, the day on which the incoming ministers of the Second Sánchez Government took office.
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    second government of Pedro Sánchez

    The Second Sánchez Government is the current Government of Spain since January 2020. Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón was invested as President of the Government by the Congress of Deputies after the (PSOE) won by a simple majority the general elections of November 2019 that began the fourteenth legislature of SpainAfter the joint government agreement between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos, the Second Sánchez Government became the first central coalition government in modern Spanish democratic history.