Spain and England

  • 1492

    Kingdoms of Aragon and Castile joined

    The joining of these two kingdoms came through the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella. This established the Spanish Kingdom.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Discovers the New World

    The Spanish hired the Italian Christopher Columbus to find sea routes to the Far East. instead, Christopher stumbled upon the New World which he claimed for Spain.
  • 1492

    Jews expelled from Spain

    Under the demand of the newly crowned Ferdinand, 200,000 Jews were forced to leave Spain or convert to Christianity.
  • Period: 1500 to

    "Golden Age" of Architecture and Painting in Spain

    Spanish poetry’s Golden Age started witt Garcilaso de la Vega’s (1501-36) verse and Luis de Góngora and Francisco de Quevedo. Sfumato-styled paintings rose in popularity. Excessive decorating, especially among the Spanish Royalty was common.El Greco,known as one of the great painters in history, settled in Toledo, the spiritual centre of Spain. Seville and Madrid also rose, to bring great cultural influence during the Spanish-dominated time in Europe.
  • 1519

    Charles V is deemed Holy Roman Emperor

    Charle's rise to be the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire significantly helped Spain. Other European countries now had to think of Spain's reaction, making them very powerful.
  • Period: 1519 to 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan's route

    Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sailor. He was the first man to circumnavigate across the whole world. He was originally Sponsored by Spain to travel west across the Atlantic to find the West Indies; instead, he found the straight that tied together the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. This was later named the Straight of Magellan. His expedition helped revolutionize geography and maps during this time.
  • 1540

    Famous Privateer Sir Frances Drake is Born

    Sir Frances Drake was born into poverty in the Devon region of England. He apprenticed under Sir John Hawkins who was a privateer. Under this appertancship, Drake learned to be a skilled navigator and sailor. In 1567, Drake began his naval career running a slave ship. He was nearly killed by Spanish troops, engraving a deep hatred for them He was eventually hired by Queen Elizabeth to plunder Spanish ships that infiltrated their claim to the New World.
  • Period: 1558 to

    Queen Elizabeth I reigns England

    Queen Elizabeth was in charge of a very difficult time frame for England. Spain was a great threat to the already weakned-by-war country. Queen Elizabeth was able to establish trade routes in the New World with significantly increased economic prosperity in England.
  • 1561

    Frances Bacon Revolutionizes England

    A brilliant resonance man, Frances rose to power in English parliament. He inspired the Births Royal society, wrote " New Atlantis", helped created the scientific method, and more. His discoveries and works inspired innovation that helped England arrive where it is today.
  • 1561

    Madrid is deemed the Capital of Spain by Phillip II

  • Period: 1563 to

    The Bubonic Plague goes through England

    The "Black Death" or Bubonic plague wiped a third of Europes population out. A disease that stemmed from fleas carried by rats into Europe was the most fatal pandemic ever recorded.
  • 1567

    Queen Elizabeth I Invests In Slave Trade

    Queen Elizabeth I saw the success of the Spanish and invested in privateers to help England establish trade in the New World.
  • 1567

    King James VI named King of England

    After Queen Elizabeth's death, King James I is named King of England. He was great patron of the arts who supoorted Shasphere's troupes, giving them the name " The King's Men".
  • 1568

    Spanish almost kill Sir Frances Drake

    Right off the coast of Mexico, Spanish troops attacked Sir Frances Drakes and Hawkins' ships. Many of Drake's men were killed.
  • 1572

    Queen Elizabeth I enforces the Act of Uniformity of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrament

    This law required all English people to attend Anglican Church services. If they didn't attended they could be fined or even thrown in jail.
  • Period: 1572 to

    Queen Elizabeth passes Poor Laws

    These " Poor Laws" were created t help the needy population in England.Parishes were put in charge of certain sections of the poor to help.
  • 1576

    Elizabeth invests in theater

    To help improve her public image, Queen Elizabeth became a hug patron of the arts.
  • 1576

    Statuets of Apparel - Queen Elizabeth I

    To help infoce the class system in England, certain regulations and taxes were enforced on clothes. Certain social status were only allowed to dress in clothes deemed acceptable.
  • 1578

    death of Sebastian I of Portugal

    This death allowed Philip II of Spain to press his claim to the Portuguese throne, which he eventually gained. This extended Spanish rule/land even further in Europe.
  • 1580

    Sir Frances Drake return and knighted

    Drake returned after plundering countess Spanish ships, circumnavigating the world ( only the second person to ever do so), and collecting a massive treasure collection. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth the first.
  • 1581

    Sir Frances Drake appointed mayor of Plymouth, England

  • Letters of Marques and Reprisal

    By 1585, English reaction with Spanish forces had met a boiling point. Queen Elizabeth signed Letts of Marques, allowing private merchant ships to attack foreign ships in the name of the Crown. These men were deemed " Sea Dogs".
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Phillip II of Spain tried to capture England but was defeated at the Battle of Graveliness. This ended Spanish hopes of invading and taking England.
  • Epidemic Wipes out Castile

    Over 500,000 people were killed by a plague in Castile, Spain. This caused hard economic times due to a sudden gap in labor forces.
  • King James makes new translation of bible

    A new version of the Bible (King James Version) is written. It is still one of the most influential books ever written.
  • The Great Plague of Seville

    A outbreak of disease that killed around a quarter of Seville population.