Spain: 1902-2014

  • Period: to

    Alfonso XIII's

  • The Tragic Week

    The Tragic Week
  • The Crisis Of 1917

    The Crisis Of 1917
  • Battle of Annual

    Battle of Annual
  • Period: to

    Primo de Rivera's Dictatorship

  • Alhucemas Landing

    Alhucemas Landing
  • Period: to

    The Second Spanish Republic

  • The Casas Viejas Massacre

    The Casas Viejas Massacre
  • The Attempted Coup

    The Attempted Coup
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

  • Period: to

    Franco's Dictatorship

  • Concordat wih the Vatican

    Concordat wih the Vatican
  • Pact of Madrid

    Pact of Madrid
  • Spain joined the UN

    Spain joined the UN
  • Period: to

    The Transition

  • Political Reform Act

    Political Reform Act
  • Moncloa Pacts

    Moncloa Pacts
  • Period: to


  • Spain joined European Economic Community

    Spain joined European Economic Community
  • Aznar's goverments

    Aznar's goverments
  • Zapatero's goverments

    Zapatero's goverments
  • Rajoy's goverment

    Rajoy's goverment