space mission timeline

  • Mariner Series

    Mariner Series
    probes were sent to take pictures of Mars and Venus
  • Venera Series

    Venera Series
    Soviets in 1967 to 1983 originally started contact to Venus' atmosphere in 1961 but lost contact .
  • Exploration of Earth's moon

    Exploration of Earth's moon
    Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first people to land on the moon
  • Mariner-10

    Took the first ever close up images of Venus and Mercury
  • Pioneer Series

    Pioneer Series
    Voyager first aircraft to explore the outer planets, flew past Jupiter, found liquid on titan
  • Vikings 1 and 2

    Vikings 1 and 2
    The first space crafts to land on mars
  • Exploration of outer Planets: Voyager 1

    Exploration of outer Planets: Voyager 1
    It’s goal was the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn.
  • Pioneer Venus

    Pioneer Venus
    2 spacecraft to explore the atmosphere of venus using radar map
  • Exploration of outer Planets: Voyager 2

    Exploration of outer Planets: Voyager 2
    The exploration of Uranus and Neptune
  • Magellan

    2,282 lbs. Spacecraft used synthetic aperture radar to measure the gravitational field and map the surface of venus
  • Exploration of outer Planets: Galileo

    Exploration of outer Planets: Galileo
    Its mission was to survey the planet Jupiter from within its orbit.
  • Mars Orbiters: Mars Global Surveyor

    Mars Orbiters: Mars Global Surveyor
    Mars Global Surveyor was an American robotic spacecraft developed by NASA to examine the entire planet.
  • Sojourner

    Roaed Mars, collected samples, and took pictures of Mars and Venus from mars
  • Mars Orbiters: Odyssey

    Mars Orbiters: Odyssey
    The Mars Odyssey is a robotic spacecraft, orbiting the planet mars
  • Mars Orbiters: Express

    Mars Orbiters: Express
    The Mars Express mission is exploring the planet Mars, and is the first planetary mission attempted by the agency ESA.
  • Spirt and Opportunity

    Spirt and Opportunity
    Twin rovers sent to mars thats are still roaming mars's surface today.
  • Exploration of outer Planets: Cassini

    Exploration of outer Planets: Cassini
    Originally was made to explore Saturn but shifted objectives to Jupiter.