World History ll

  • The Gunpowder Plot : Execution

    The Gunpowder Plot : Execution
    The Protestant searched for people behind the plot for months. They found Robert Catesby and the others that were also behind the gunpowder plot, the king then ordered all of them to be executed/killed.
  • The Gunpowder Plot

    The Gunpowder Plot
    The Gunpowder Plot, was a failed assassination attempt to blow up King James l by a group of English Catholics in an effort to end the persecution of Roman Catholics by the English government. Guy Fawkes was caught lurking in the cellar guarding 36 barrels of gunpowder, around midnight on November 4, 1605
  • The Enlightenment : Galileo discovered that the planet rotates around the sun

    The Enlightenment : Galileo discovered that the planet rotates around the sun
    Galileo discovered that the planets rotates around the sun, even the earth rotates around it. When Galileo revealed the information to the public the church wasn’t too happy about it and they sentenced him to life imprisonment, because the church said that his discoveries were against the church, it was only corrected in 1992 by the church
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    English Civil Wars started from a conflict between Charles l and Parliament over an Irish insurrection. Oliver Cromwell won all the battles which ended with Charles defeat, and was executed in 1649. Charles son, Charles ll, formed an army of Scottish Royalists, which made Cromwell invade Scotland in 1650. In 1660 Charles ll became king, And many fights began to occur at this time, which finally ended in 1651 with the fight of Charles ll to France and, with him, the hopes of the British monarchy.
  • The Enlightenment : King Charles l Overthrown

    The Enlightenment : King Charles l Overthrown
    There was war between parliament and the crown. Both sides were strong and powerful, but the parliament won against the crown which had led to King Charles l execution.
  • English Civil War : Civil War Ends

    English Civil War : Civil War Ends
    The Battle between parliament and the crown concluded with the parliament winning the battles making them in control with Cromwell as their ruler.
  • The Enlightenment ( 1715 - 1789 )

    The Enlightenment ( 1715 - 1789 )
    The Enlightenment is a European 18th Century Intellectual Movement that included beliefs of God, nature, reason, and humanity. Their goal is to make people think rationally in order for all to have happiness, freedom, and knowledge.
  • The French Revolution ( 1789-1799 )

    The French Revolution ( 1789-1799 )
    It started when the people from the third estate notice how unfair they are being treated by the other estates (the 1st and 2nd estates) and they very much didn’t like that. So they decided to go against them because ,come on how hard can it be…. They are literally 90% of the population of France. The Revolution started by the storming of the bastille, and eventually this Revolution has led to the beheading of the current king and queen at the time Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte’s Rule in France (1799-1804)

    Napoleon Bonaparte’s Rule in France (1799-1804)
    Napoleon Bonaparte was a great French Military Leader who then became the emperor. He was a strong leader and did a lot of improvements and a lot of power for France, but most importantly the people liked him…at first, that is until he did things that has led to his downfall and wasted most of France resources and got a lot of men killed in the process. After his downfall he was then exiled in the the island of Elba but then later on escaped and did a commotion in France but then again failed.